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  • @sienteastu


    Hi friends, can you help me? i have an problem with avatars on my buddypress multisite. All is fina and the avatars are upload and show well on main blog of community, but whem i go to another blog created the avatar is missing.Seems like there the avatars are on wrong url

    for main site if i click and see the url of the avatar is this: sitedomain/wp-content/uploads/avatars

    but in the blogs created, where the avatars aren’t show sucesfull the url is: sitedomain/avatars,

    so here is missing /wp-content/uploads.

    What’s the problem o How i can fix this problem

    I’m running actually the latest versions from both, wordpress and buddypress…





    No friend, i’m use default BP theme for main site, but here all is working fine

    Them onĀ  blogs i have various differente themes for users choose but the problem is the same with all.

    Not is a problem of theme, becuse the avatar isn’t show for example on comments or reply but also on header top black bar isn’t show.

    For someone cause, the url of avatar for new blogs isn’t correct, if you chek how i wrote on firs post the url is different for main site or community and the url of avatar for another blogs create on site

    On one blog where the avatar isn’t show if i click on see avatar to see the url show :

    and if do the same for the avatar pic on main community site is :

    Seems missingĀ  /wp-content/uploads



    Hi mercime, how are you? thank’s for reply.

    Well, i start with the community blogs few weeks ago, the other day i upgrade buddypress at last version because i have notification of new version.

    and i have this site on a subdomain.

    on my wp-config i have the following:

    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    /* Multisite */
    define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);



    Well, the plugin who did the conflic was ‘Comments-like’. The other plugins was activate again and them was correct.



    Hi again mercime…. i had checked this…. the problem isn’t the browser, it’s one plugin because i had disable a lot of plugins and now i can crop the imagen, but i don’t know wich plugin can be… now i check active one by one to know what the plugin is the conflict.. Tell you later.



    Hi mercime, i had run the both latest versions… wordpress and buddypresss and i had installed Gd library. The picture upload sucesfully and the button adjust is show but i can’t edit the crop or resize to adjuts the imagen… nothing happen.
    Do you think that it could be an conflict with someone plugin of worpress like the ‘user photo’?



    I have updated the latests version on both. In Super Admin: Subcripter for new users, and they can create users and sites



    i have installed WMU and buddyprees on subfolder called blogs/.
    Permanlinks on admin panel are on default: (blogs/?p=123).

    The problem is whem i want to create a new blog from top navigation bar on the index, the links or page that show is: blogs/blogs/create/ but nothing happens



    @Paul Gibbs Sorry i trying know this error to fix and i had seen similar threads where i think the people can help me…



    I have the wordpress Mu with buddypress on Whem i want to create a new blog from top navigation bar, it show me that page can’t be found. Is this problem for this??




    hi guys. I have a multi-site created with wordpress mu and BuddyPress.everything works full but whem an user wants to create a new blog from top navigation bar (>>create a new blog!) it show that the page wasn’t found



    I have run buddypress with wordpress. All work fine, but if an user want to create another blog from top navigation bar show :’ the page not foun’ which is the problem…..

    Thank’s a lot guys!



    Yesterday i had installed this plugin.: si-captcha-for-wordpress



    I think that it is for the theme that you have….. i have themes which the navigation is show, but in other not. for example if you put the facelook theme, which is compatible with buddypress not show the bar…



    Try to put the plugin: si-captcha-for-wordpress, this works on buddypress.



    Ummmmm, i’m also interesting on that.. this is a good feature.



    I’m interested in translate my BP but i haven’t idea….How to do?

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