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  • @snagfly


    Sgrunt!! What’s the word on the street for a front/home page status feeder????

    I have a lot of request pertaining to this, curious to see what will come in the future. Any twinkies you could lay on us at this point???

    I can only assume this would be classified under an optional widget for the home page. Site wide activity is great, wanna just fine tune the front page feeds to status if possible.

    Also how and the heck can we get rid of the permalinks attached to the side wide activity that streams to our home page, every blurb comes with a permalink attached (looks janky)





    A few things to consider when seeing….(white screen)

    First, if you are creating sub domains for each individual blog make sure the blogs are being confirmed through the submitted email during registration. you will see a white screen for every blog not confirmed.

    Second, make sure all permissions are enabled in your dashboard, this too causes white screens for different blogs.

    Third, make sure you deleted the bp themes in from the /mu-content/ root and that they are installed through the /mu-plugins/ not /plugins/

    Fourth, a lot bp plugins take some sort of config to work correctly, sucks I know but true so I would definitely follow DJ Puals advice and deactivate all plugins while you try my suggestions.

    You might be thinking that it’s a lot more difficult than that but Sometimes it’s as simple as that.



    Ahh, great. that works wonderful, yes I’m running bp 1.1



    Ha so sorry to disturb, i fixed it by removing the plugin via my ftp. All that jazz and no real show. Fyi has anyone installed this plugin successfully and if so how did you do it??



    Bottom line, You must delete /wp-content/bp-themes. make sure you have moved the /bp-themes to /wp-content/themes/

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