@mercime replied to the topic Buddypress page issues? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 2 months ago
@speedyworm I see that you’re using the Thesis theme via source view and that the issue is still not resolved in your site. Strange place to see that issue.
Sometime ago, Thesis users needed a plugin for Thesis-BP compatibility, are you using it now or is that plugin no longer needed anymore? Have you checked in Thesis’ forums whether other BP…[Read more]
@mercime replied to the topic Using thesis+child theme with Bp+Bp theme? in the forum Installing BuddyPress 11 years, 2 months ago
@speedyworm BuddyPress uses the theme’s page.php to render the BP components. Have not seen a thesis theme for some time. Do check Thesis’s forums if someone already made the child theme for BP Theme Compatiblity already. If the page.php file of a thesis theme has the proprietary templating system where you cannot see the_title() and the_content()…[Read more]
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