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  • @stevieg


    I’m runnin a few sites that use BuddyPress (with template pack) and a child of twentyten as the theme. When I attempt a WP 3.2 upgrade it says downloading zip but then just stops. It is only sites that are running BP that are affected this way. Has anyone else encountered this issue?



    Just realised what it is. I’ve disabled ‘Friends’ in the Component Setup. I didn’t want everyone to have to request frienships just to be able to send mesages. It seems that the drop-down will only show members who are also friends. Not only that, even if you type the members name in the message will not be sent because you are not friends! Seems a little unreasonable since I’ve stated I don’t want friends activated. Can this be overridden?



    Thanks guys that’s brilliant.



    @Boone I am using the BP templates as installed in my theme by the new Template Pack. I haven’t amended them.

    All I have done is
    1. install BP,
    2. install template pack,
    3. run through BP compatability
    4. Create a group
    5. as another user, go to mydomain/groups

    Where I would expect to see a link to ‘Join Group’ I get nothing.

    This is a fresh install of WP 3.1.3 using twentyten with BP 1.2.8 and template Pack 1.1.1 as the only active plugins. Groups are enabled and the group is Public.



    I’ve upgraded the template pack but now find that the ‘Join Group’ link no longer appears. If I revert to using instead of in the groups-loop.php file, then all is ok again. What could be the problem?



    @Virtuali Cheers. I’m fine with 3.1 – love that only file in my child show in edit:-) My concern is with using non-buddypress themes such as twentyten and adding BP to them. I initially used the Template Pack but it seems this is not being supported. I wanted to know if all I need to do in future – when I do this for another website – is to copy the folders from bp-default to my theme. Is it that straightforward?



    So whats the procedure then. If I want to use say twentyten as a theme parent, should I just copy the BP folders from bp-default (everyone is telling me the template pack is out of date)?



    I added user_nicename as Extra Profile Information. I haven’t changed the login name its still BNIWAdmin.



    Yes I agree. That’s why I am saying this situation is an error. The field being used next to the display name, @LindaPH in my example, is NOT the user login name. That is still Lindy and you would need to use @Lindy to message her. BP uses that same user_nicename in constructing the permalink. In this case to see Linda’s profile, the permalink is and not /Lindy/. We now have the url and the @name using one field but the messaging/mentions using another – I’d call that inconsistent.

    What I would really like is to know how to make BP follow this through to make the messaging use it too so that @LindaPH worked.



    I didn’t mess with the core at all. All I did was change the user_nicename. BP is using the user_nicename next to the ‘Display as’ name with an @ in front to indicate you can message to it. You can’t. You can only message to the username you login with, as you quite rightly state. Either BP should use the user login or the User_nicename – not both. Knowing who an admin is isn’t that hard you just need to look at the messages – or if you have time you could try them all. the point is that pne of the first recommendations from WordPress, if you are trying to secure your site, is to change the admin login – well if you use BP there’s no point is there – it’s open to anyone to see!



    Can’t see a problem. Glad you sorted out the index.php issue:-) Can you give more details



    I did this because I don’t want people seeing the administrators login username – that’s the problem I don’t really care what twitter does. There is an inconsistency between the usernames shown and how they work. See where the user Lindy (login username) is shown as Linda (Display as name) and the @LindaPH is the user_nicename. great, just what I wanted – except that the @name for messaging is STILL @Lindy which makes the help text next to @LindaPH incorrect – so this inconsistency is an error.





    Take a look here where the difference between the types of permalink are explained. You have the /index.php/ in your permalink settings.This is probably because your hosting provider needs them for your normal WordPress to work, I notice you have reverted to the default which wont work for Buddypress anyway.

    Ask your hosting provider for a rewrite.script file so that you can have ‘pretty permalinks’



    Looks like you are using ‘almopst pretty’ permalinks i.e. has /index.php/ at the beginning. BuddyPress insists on ‘pretty permalinks’ you need to get rid of the index.php. If you are using an Apache server this is easy – just take it out. If you are on Zeus for example then you will need a rewrite script.



    @Paul Thanks for adding the Wp Trac. I’ve decided to stick with 3.0.5 to make development easier until a fix is published.



    I just added footer.php copied directly from bp-default



    I also have this problem and would love to know how to get the link from Admin->Groups->Create a Group to show up. You can access it by using{member}/groups/create that is; go to Admin->Groups and add /create to the url which will probably (does in my case) link to

    Obviously this is not a good enough solution but it does show that the link is lurking there somewhere.



    @Jerrald Did yoiu get an anwer? I am in the same position and finding it hard to find a soluition.

    I definately want to stay with the PATHINFO format and just need BuddyPress to use the same permalink construction.

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