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  • @stripedsquirrel


    1) Change group slug (old plugin does not work).
    2) All possible types of X-profile fields (homepage URL, twitter URL, working multi-select boxes etc)
    3) x-profile fields that can be set by admin and not edited by user.
    4) Shortcodes or other options to display userquery based on x-profile fields. For example: display all users that have checked option ‘B’, all users that have run 2 marathons, all users from Europe etc.
    5) easy way to change all base-level slugs (groups -> teams, members-> runners etc).



    That would be a very useful feature, can the devs add this to the feature requests?



    Ad1) Ok, even that plugin does not work with current versions (on a new, BP-styled theme). The change slug item appears in the group menu, but nothing actually changes.

    So please make this functionality as currently the only way is to delete and re-create the group.



    Not sure if it is related, but 3 out of 8 main links (features/info) on the homepage(!) also link to forum posts instead of info/about pages. It seems they link ok, but somehow end up at years old posts.



    It seems it is partially fixed. 5 out of 8 links go to the correct pages, the other 3 still go to outdated forum topics….

    Who is responsible for the site? Can they also please improve the BP plugins repository, i.e. make it filterable (BP version compatibility, when last updated, ratings etc.)?



    It is not the only thing that is wrong.

    The main functionality links (!) on the BP homepage (!!), like Profiles, Groups, Settings etc. all go to a single random post in the forum that has a related tag.

    Are these new version bugs?



    Thanks modemlooper. It seems like a useful tool, but at this moment I am not even sure if BP will be able to fulfil my needs. I am sure there are many others like me that want to check which plugins are available (and up to date), beforeinstalling it.

    How many of the 520 plugins will simply not work with any recent version of BP? They should not be in the list. Which ones have great recommendations? I want to see those. etc etc. Making prospective users search the forum to hopefully find a recommendation (I assume it is a recommendation as you did not write anything except posting a URL?) for a plugin in order to know which ones of the hundreds listed are actually useful, and thus if BP itself will be useful.




    Does anyone know if Mystique for BP works with the new 1.5?



    hmm, the ‘edit’ link on my previous reply 404’s?
    anyway, just saw that that link is dead. Not sure where it came from, but the name of the plugin is “Remove BuddyPress AdminBar”.



    There is a ‘hide admin bar for logged out users’ option. But I want the bar on regular BP sites, I just did not want it on a domain-mapped site that is totally separate (though running on the same WP multisite installation). did the trick for me.



    It worked,but leaves a blank space on top of the page and the CSS is still being called in the source.
    Is there a way to remove the admin.css call for just this theme (or better remove the bar and the css for all non-admin users).



    Did you try deleting wp-signup.php?

    And have you made sure that all spam users have been ‘spammed’ so they cannot just simply add/open new spam users/blogs?



    Hi Andrea. Yes, that 1st part is quite easy with BP :)

    the 2nd part is tougher though, as far as I know:

    “- the opportunity to manually approve/delete sign-ups based on their answer, at least blocking the unapproved from appearing in blog lists, sidewide activity etc, basically making it 100% private (only vsible for admins) until approved.”



    I don’t think anybody can stop you from posting a file on your server with domains and IP’s which you advise to be blocked… I actually think it would be a good idea to have this info centralized, an Akismet for sign-ups if you please, would save a lot of effort.

    Just checked wp-ban’s stats and 4 IP’s were blocked over 1000 times. Though it does not stop splogs, it serves as a good example that sharing info might help, especially if the signup page can check a database of known sploggers or words in blog titles.

    A nice feature would be (plugin request!) to have:

    – an extra field on signup. Skip all the usless and annoying captcha’s, just a simple question: “why you want a blog?” or more specifically: “what are you going tor write about?”

    – the opportunity to manually approve/delete sign-ups based on their answer, at least blocking the unapproved from appearing in blog lists, sidewide activity etc, basically making it 100% private (only vsible for admins) until approved.

    Before you ask: I cannot make this, but I will be happy to test if some more skilled person can!



    ehmm, please refrain from opening new posts which basically links to an other post which links to another post :)

    Not that I do not agree with your request, but by annoying people who might be able to help out, you steer focus away from the problem.

    Anyway, does feedwordpress not work?



    Rewriting the slug works for me. @andy, would it be possible to have the slug name not in wp-config, but as an option under BP options? Or even as a required step when activating/installing BP? That way, everybody will create their own slug and all should be happier to use BP :)





    You probably could use one of the “members only” plugins and adapt them. I do not use them myself, but know they can be used to hide content. You can use it in the loop or maybe for other templates as well to hide more?



    Just quickly, like the homepage layout, well done! Any tips on using the template pack or is it easy to use?



    @cyndy: I totally agree with you, Capthca’s are ony good for creating jobs in Asian countries and a useless hurdle to users. I second (third?) stwc and Andrea though: once changing the defaults, splogger change from several times daily to once a month….

    Don’t forget to delete or rename (or empty if you want to avoid loads of entries in your error log) the wp-signup.php file, as that is what most sploggers come in on. Though I am pretty sure that now BP works on WP, some new methods need to be found soon on both sides of the fence :)



    That looks like what everybody needed :)

    Great, the zip is filled with loads of .tmp, .svn, _MacOSX files though (346 files in 187 folders!). Andy/whoever made it, maybe it should be repackaged?

    Also, the instructions on are a bit confusing; if somebody got it working, maybe they can edit the documentation with some example codes?



    Thanks Modemlooper. Is not also possible (anymore?) to just rename widget.php to home.php and add it to the BP theme?

    Saves creating a page, setting it as home page etc (but I guess makes it harder to edit).

    Not quite sure yet how the new template structure works, have some reading to do!

    Anyway, cheers!



    Hi Andy,

    I meant that there is no home.php template file as there was before, with some nice standard widget areas, making it easier to have a hmepage/landing page or whatever you want to call it.

    But it is no big deal.

    Ah, I just got a message from Modemlooper, as he already did something, thanks ML :)

    Cheers, Harry




    I used it on, will likely not work on 1.2, but have not tried yet.





    Yep, like it too (and the 6 minutes set up :)).

    Just installed 1.2 on a fresh install and works nice so far. But I noticed that the new standard theme does not have a home theme (like the as was included before?

    Will there be one later? It keeps me from switching my live BP site to 1.2 at the moment.

    Cheers and thanks for the hard work in geting 1.2 out.

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