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  • @sunflowermom


    @neononcon it does make me wonder, now that you mention it….although i suppose its because they have more people keeping an eye open for spammers? i simply don’t have the time to keep up with all the spammers. sigh. i don’t have anywhere near this size of a problem with this on my other sites, all wordpress…but then, they are not set up to be a community like this one buddypress site is. its never really taken off anyway so i’m seriously thinking its time to ditch buddypress…but then, i’ve put a lot of work into the theme and setting it all up so its very frustrating!!



    Nope, didn’t help. Still being bombarded by spam. About ready to ditch Buddypress altogether and go back to regular WordPress site. *sigh*



    I’m actually about ready to pitch Buddypress completely at this point because of spam. I’ve tried all the options I see mentioned all over the web about how to combat spammers…and my Buddypress site is the only one that its consistently not working on. Even with more than one captcha hoop to jump through on registration, they are still getting in and filling up my activity stream! I’ve about had it.



    Thanks! That was simple enough! (changing registration slug)…didn’t realize there was that feature in Buddypress now, and that it would be that easy! Here’s hoping it helps!



    I am having a similar problem.



    you know what, i guess i don’t! i just realized that after i posted this. thanks for the confirmation! :)



    also…i want them to be able to post images.



    but will these plugins equate the biz listing with the user? is there anything that does that? i found a plugin called “business directory” but its too basic, and i don’t see that it links to a specific user…i would like people to be able to have their biz listings linked to their profiles. is there anything that does that?



    great! thanks! ok so first you say that all that can be done with the current versions…then lastly you say that i need to dive into the code…so do you mean that the things that i mentioned are only available if i dive into the code? or are they possible without doing any coding?

    i’m not a coder, and i cannot afford to hire a coder…but i have been able to fiddle a little with some very simiple code here and there…so if its simple enough, i may be able to figure it out if there are explicit instructions somewhere…

    i will check out the buddypress doc you linked to but i’ve found that the wordpress docs are not always easy for me to understand…make my eyes glaze over, LOL! i much prefer the interpretations that people blog about or post on forums that explains things in simple terms that i understand. so i hope that document is user friendly in that sense. we’ll see.

    thanks again! and please let me know if to do the things i listed above if i will have to get someone to help me with coding or if they are possible out-of-the-box or with a plugin? that wasn’t clear to me in your response. thank you! :)



    the site that i am working on will be a directory of parent-owned at-home businesses…i am interested in users being able to have profiles with personal info about themselves, and socialize with each other through that…and then post their businesses (connected with their profile…similar to the recipes being connected to the profiles of the users) to a central directory which is fully browsable and searchable.

    things i love at that i want to use similarly on my site:

    * slideshow w/post pics and profile pics together (is this an existing or did they create this? anyone know?)
    * featured member
    * recipes button on bar w/categories list on hover…instead of a directory of recipes…i would like users to be able to add their business to a directory…so where would be listing recipes, i want to list the businesses of users
    * spotlighted recipes in the sidebar (i want to spotlight user’s businesses)…
    * popular recipes: i’d want “popular businesses”…i imagine that “popularity” is determined by how many views the recipe has had? and lists those with the most? is this part of buddypress or a hack?
    * recent recipes: i would want this to be newly added businesses
    * meet the member
    * the community feature…i would want something similar, to be able to browse user profiles…featured users and popular users and newest members, just like at when you click on the “community” button on the menu bar.

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