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  • @tanner-m


    Hey @qmai! I have setup a system before to link BuddyPress Profile Fields to SalesForce, but it takes a good amount of custom work. The method I ended up doing was to add a piece of custom meta to the Profile Field edit screen that allows you to specify a SF field id. Unfortunately, the process of adding custom meta to a BuddyPress Profile Field is a lot harder than it sounds, but it is doable.

    Let me know if you have any further questions. I can’t seem to find the code that I wrote for this, but I’d be happy to work through this with you.



    Super! Glad that helped!



    I hope that helps!



    Hello @boki88! Unfortunately it sounds like theme you are using does not have the ability to change those BuddyPress styles without some custom coding. Fortunately, it looks like you have Jetpack enabled and Jetpack has a CSS editor where you can enter custom styles without having to edit code in the theme files.

    Go to the edit css page ( and enter the following style:

    .gp-theme #buddypress #activity-stream p { color: black; }



    Great, glad that fixed it! You can see the list of WP actions here:

    To limit this redirect just to the home page update it to something like this:

    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_visitors' );
    function redirect_visitors() {
        if ( !is_user_logged_in() && is_front_page() ) {
    	wp_redirect( site_url() . '/my-site-registration' );



    Hey @braun_trutta! Try changing your action to ‘template_redirect’ instead of ‘init’.

    so like this:

    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_visitors' );



    @doodledogcody, have you tried Gravity Forms? It has a good solution for user submitted posts. See this article for more details:



    Hey @professornate! Thanks for posting in the forums!

    The issue you are seeing here is a result of some BuddyPress assets not loading. The site is throwing a Javascript error and that is preventing the page from loading.

    First thing to try here is to deactivate and reactivate the BuddyPress plugin. If the issue persists, try changing your theme to one of the default WordPress themes (say, twentytwelve). I’m virtually certain that one of those steps will fix the issue. Let me know if it doesn’t.

    If the issue is fixed by switching the theme to twentytwelve, try switching it back to your current theme. If the issue comes back, then there is something up with the theme and you should try re-installing it.

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