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Forum Replies Created

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  • @tarkham


    @djpaul not sure if i am high jacking this thread but can you please confirm, in my group forums when i click on subscribe or add to favorite i get redirected to the groups page when i use the buddypress theme. When i use canvas woo theme or any other themeforest theme i get 404 error for the same action.

    I expect to stay on the forum thread even after i click subscribe or add to favorite ….is this a bug in 1.7 and yes i see the same behavior of redirecting to groups page in 1.6.4 too. I am using latest version of bbpress and wordpress



    no that is wrong…go to groups you created and then goto admin, under it forum…uncheck the box and save then refresh the page and check the box and save the setting again…let me know if thhis helps.



    In your group admin settings deactivate the forum option and save it…Then reactivate it..this solved my problem.



    Are you running group forums or sitewide forums?



    @mercime Thanks for that help…i figured out that i need to use a short code to get my forum page to display properly in front end…group forums are working properly and changing the slug to discussions ccorrected all the errors.



    @mercime This helped me and got my test buddypress1.7 site correct…I changed the bbpress slug to discussions and using the i see the forum. I am using group forums and all topics are displaying in that page properly…now do i need to redirect that page to my actual forum page or is there any short code for it?



    That solved the problem…installed and activated the plugin…the forums are missing, do i need to seperately install bbpress?



    that is my test site and vantage is installed by my friend…it looks a nice directory theme…i am a web accessibility specialist not a core developer so any help you need let me know…would like to contribute.



    for some reason i was not able to install 1.7 trunk…same error persists even after moving plugin using ftp.



    Hi i downloaded the trunk version and tried to activate it on my test site and received a error. WordPress is 3.5 version and downloaded the trunk from the above given link…Here is the error i received

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Warning: require(wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in wp-content/plugins/trunk/bp-loader.php on line 401

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-template-loader.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in wp-content/plugins/trunk/bp-loader.php on line 401

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