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  • @tranny


    Thank you, will keep that in mind from now on.

    Any ideas on why I’m getting the error and how it can be resolved?



    Hey Scott @redsand

    Thank you for your message. I’m gonna take a look at the plugin you have suggested. I’m still hoping that BP developers will implement basic features that would help in countering spam. Some such features would be:

    1 – Ability to turn off email notifications for all existing users, and choose a default setting for new users
    2 – Ability to set a limit on how many members can be tagged per post
    3 – Ability to set a limit on how many friendship connections can a member make per day, and the ability to set after how many pending friendship requests the member can’t make any more requests
    4 – Ability to set a period in days after registration, during which a newly registered member will not be able to tag anyone or make friendship connections
    5 – Ability to force moderation on BP related posts similar to WP core, whereby a post would be held in moderation unless a user has an approved post

    Features like that would most certainly be welcome by owners of larger sites, and probably by owners of smaller sites too. They can be frequently encountered in other scripts.

    I do realize that fighting spam is a neverending battle, but features I’ve been talking about would make a significant impact on a webmaster’s ability to reduce it, especially since right now BP doesn’t have anything to mitigate it in any way.



    Hello @danbp

    I appreciate suggestions. I implemented the code suggested in the other thread into my functions.php file, but I understand that will only turn off notifications for new users. Is there a way to turn them off for existing users?



    @danbp i appreciate your response, unfortunately I didn’t find what I was looking for it in. When I talked about lacking features, I was talking about such features as limiting how many friend connection a person can make, how many members can a person tag in their update, etc…

    Whereas no such features exist in BP, I’d appreciate guidance to turn off email notifications. All other considerations are an important part of keeping the installation secure overall, but to address the specific threat I’m facing, I need to be able to turn off email notifications. I was hoping that is the type of help I’d get here.



    @kalico I have a serious problem with spammers, and BP doesn’t have any useful features to deal with spam. I have spammers manually posting activity updates in which they tag hundreds of random users in order to force them to receive email notification containing spam. Same with friend connections, which spammers use in order to force my site members to receive emails with their spam message (they change their display name into a message containing the URL to their site).



    I guess the question now is why does this extra record lead to whole admin area turning blank?



    I tried this (it sort of worked):





    Help me out – how do I implement BuddyPress styling into my Twenty Sixteen child theme?




    Are you saying I need to install a sidebar plugin to see changes to the theme?




    I’m also interested in learning how to do child theme edits to BP pages that will survive BP updates.




    I found that BP comes with changes which are suggested on that page already in the code. But the profile page does not look like on that page.

    I am left in complete darkness. How can I modify profile pages to have that type of look? Can it be done with mods to the child theme, in order to preserve BP source files so I don’t lose the changes with the next BP update?




    I’m having the same exact issue. Seems like W3 has become an abandoneware, and nobody at BP cares to address it. Have you been able to come up with a solution?



    Here’s another vote for this to get done soon 🙂



    Update released today. I go to update the plugin, hoping it would end the blank page, but the first thing I see after update is… blank page.

    This is obviously a persistent issue, reported by many users. It’s unfortunate nobody cares to address it.



    I got this in the debug.log file:

    [27-Jan-2015 01:16:12] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_user_inactive() in /home/xxxxx/ on line 264

    What does that mean?



    I bumped memory limit from 128MB to 512MB – as I expected, it did not resolve the issue. Activating the plugin results in the blank screen and the whole admin area returns nothing but blank screens from that point on. Renaming the buddypress subfolder resolves the problem as it deactivates the plugin.

    I honestly did not think memory limit had anything to do with the problem, but I wanted to try it nevertheless to have it confirmed.

    As for error logs – I learned from my webhost that we don’t have them enabled due to high traffic to the site. Daily logs were 2Gb in size.

    Are developers gonna consider looking into this issue? There must be a deeper underlying issue. Bumping up memory limit is not a solution. If memory limit was a potential issue, it would have already demonstrated itself as such as I watched my site grow, and tried a number of plugins over time.



    I’ll take a look at error logs. What should I look for?

    Also, I looked up server’s phpinfo. My current memory_limit is 128M.

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