Forum Replies Created
How can we get a list of actions that we are using?
Answered my own question… In RTMedia > Enable Direct Upload (Turn Off)
Here’s my solution… Place this into your child-theme’s / BuddyPress activity-loop.php
<?php $number = 1; while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity(); if ($number == 10){ echo 'ADSENSE_CODE_HERE'; } $number++; ?>
This makes the content appear after the first 10 activity streams but then it goes by every 20. Works for me though 🙂
I’m looking for a solution to this as well.
No, this displays the latest activity for all users.
I want to show latest activity for users based on their State (profile) selection.
<?php bp_member_profile_data(array('field' => 'State')); ?>
For some reason the “Admin” link still appears when adding a thread to a forum? Why would that be any different? Does it not use the bp_core_get_userlink filter?
so this works on some of the activity but not all for some reason…
/* Remove Admin Link */ function remove_admin_alink ($string, $user_id) { $url = get_home_url(); $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); $aname = $user_info->user_login; $name = $user_info->display_name; if ($aname == "ADMINUSERNAME") { $link = '<strong>Admin</strong>'; return $link; } else { return '<a href =' . $url . '/profiles/' . $name . '>' . $name . '</a>'; } } add_filter ('bp_core_get_userlink', 'remove_admin_alink', 10, 2);
or do I create something off of this?
function get_my_link ($string, $user_id) { $url = get_home_url(); $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); $name = $user_info->display_name; $link = '<a href =' . $url . '/profiles/' . $name . '>' . $name . '</a>'; return $link; } add_filter ('bp_core_get_userlink', 'get_my_link', 10, 2);
Has anyone created a rating system for BP profiles?
sounds like you want to have 2 different types of memberships… Which is what I’d like to implement as well!
any updates on this? I’m following – but afraid to mess things up!
having the same problem. There is a thick white space
looks like its that background of the nav?
tried doing it on another wordpress blog of mine and it doesnt work… Wondering if it has something to do with the host/server?