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  • @tse11


    Yeah, that is how I discovered the temporary fix for it. I realize editing core is a no-no but I was at it for a few days trying to figure it out! Thanks for looking into it, @djpaul!



    I’ve resolved this and will leave a fix here in case anyone else runs into this issue:

    bp_blogs_get_subdomain_base() is a deprecated function, so I changed it in buddypress/bp-blogs/bp-blogs-template.php from:






    Oh yeah, I totally understand and have blocked many successfully, but once and a while a few get in…this happened a few days ago. 😉



    Yeah, the use case for me is because I have a default group that everyone joins automatically. What has happened is when a spammer joins, they’ve been posting in this default group right away. Yet I need people to join this group!



    Excellent, I appreciate the hard work.



    Yes, indeed…it works perfectly now. Thank you very, very much!



    It says:

    int(60) string(2) “60”



    Yes, I will try that now.



    Hi, thank you for trying to help.

    This is for all users, it isn’t specific to a particular member type or activity item either.

    A member goes to the activity feed, he wants to click on an activity item, the item redirects to the user’s own activity profile page with a bar across the top (the buddypress notification,) stating, “You do not have access to this activity.”

    I am not using an object cache plugin.



    When clicking on an activity link (the time-stamp link), it now doesn’t bring you to the individual activity. It brings you back to your own profile with a message that says, “You do not have access to this activity.”



    Is there any other solution besides rolling back. My theme is now updated to accommodate the new BudyPress and this would cause another problem.



    Ah, thank you very much.



    Well it looks like I have to pay to ask anything



    @mrgiblets I agree. It is definitely a must-have in a social network.



    @haagsekak I’m sorry, no I didn’t find a solution. Each time I try to modify the plugin’s date either via a new filter/function it only displays one date, really frustrating!



    It seems the author no longer offers support for this plugin, and I have been unable to add a function to change the format still.

    I tried this:

    function format_activity_date() {
      // Get GMT offset from root blog
      $root_blog_offset = get_blog_option( BP_ROOT_BLOG, 'gmt_offset' );
      // Calculate offset time
      $time_offset = $time + ( $root_blog_offset * 3600 );
      // Format the time using the offset and return it; date-i18n retrieves the date in localized format
      return '' . date_i18n("l, M j, Y, g:ia T", strtotime($activityDate) + $time_offset) . '';
    add_filter('etivite_bp_activity_bump_comment_posted', 'format_activity_date');

    But it still is showing only one date rather than “user1 posted an update:” updated by user2:”

    Any ideas @henrywright or anyone would be so appreciated.



    @henrywright thank you for pointing me in the right direction by explaining the filtering, etc. I may have enough to go on, now. No, I haven’t tried contacting the author, that’s an idea, too. Thanks again.



    @bphelp Thanks, unfortunately that didn’t work either.

    For anyone wondering. I found a plugin that finally blocks the BP feeds. It is for wordpress but did the trick. The plugin is here:



    @aces Thanks much, that was a great idea. Unfortunately it didn’t work. There has got to be a way to at least make these feeds private. If anyone knows, please let me know.



    So I answered my own question by just experimenting. I figure I go ahead and let everyone who is interested in this know how I got everything working. I used the following code and placed it in my bp-custom.php

    function my_favorite_count() {
    $my_fav_count = bp_activity_get_meta( bp_get_activity_id(), 'favorite_count' );
    if ($my_fav_count >= 1) : {
    if (is_user_logged_in()) : { echo '<span class="fav-count">('.$my_fav_count.')</span>';
    add_action( 'bp_activity_entry_meta', 'my_favorite_count' );

    I added a span class in this code as you can see, and that is how I managed to display the count directly next to favorites button (or link).

    I added this to my css:

    .fav-count {
    margin-left: -15px !important;

    You may have to play with it to get the margin just right, hope this helps someone.



    Hey there, I know this is an old post but the code actually works in BP 1.8. The only minor issue is that the count displays to the far right of the actual favorite link. Any ideas on how to get this next to Favorites like this: Favorite(10) instead of: Favorite         delete (10) would be wayy appreciated!



    Thanks very much, @henrywright-1 that was exactly what I needed, worked like a treat 😉





    Got it working now, thanks anyway. In case anyone is wondering how, I changed the log in to /wp-admin instead of /wp-login.php in the user email when a user creates a new site and this page will not redirect anyone to a buddypress page.



    My site is not yet live, @bphelp I am using a post page as homepage. I don’t know if this will help but as I stated earlier, my site is an MU and I am using sub-domains. So when a user logs in from with any redirect codes I’m using, they too are redirected to a buddypress page which is confusing for the user since they are logging in to edit their site. I basically just need a condition that works properly where I can add if_user_is_admin DON’T redirect or if_user_is on subdomain login page don’t redirect. 😉

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