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  • @tutsie


    how could i get my own logo in place of the text?

    also any ideas as to why the white background is a smaller width than the header in the home part of the theme but its the same width in the members part?



    Thanks for your help, I think that did it!



    false alarm, that only worked when the browser was minimized, when it was set to full the home theme menu items were pushed up so high that i couldnt even see them



    awesome thanks!



    wow….i found my problem…..a file that should have been there wasnt…funny how that might cause trouble



    Gravatars are working (if you dont have a picture uploaded) and the default avatars are working, but no uploaded avatars, and when you go to upload one it wont upload, just gives me a red x



    yes, my .htaccess file looks just as it did before I installed this plugin



    I cleared the cache, deactivated, and uninstalled the caching plugin. Now not only will the avatars not load (its always the same peoples), but when you try to change your avatar, the new picture will not load for anyones profile. urg



    yeah I have that problem too, I think someone else is going to have to come to the rescue with that issue but Ill let you know if I find anything



    and to add more than one you can just add a new function and then add_action at the end like this


    function add_test1_to_main_menu() {
    echo '<li> <a href="">Test1</a></li>';


    function add_test2_to_main_menu() {
    echo '<li> <a href="">Test2</a></li>';

    add_action('bp_nav_items', 'add_test1_to_main_menu');
    add_action('bp_nav_items', 'add_test2_to_main_menu');




    there was a typo in my last post, the file should look like this instead


    function add_test_to_main_menu() {
    echo '<li> <a href="">Test</a></li>';


    add_action('bp_nav_items', 'add_test_to_main_menu');


    I forgot to add the > after <li

    see if that works



    Thank you!!!! Sometimes you just need someone else to look at it…everything starts to look the same after staring at it for so long!





    this is still a problem

    I have the new menu items added from a file i put into the mu-plugins folder. The new links show up as no problem in mozilla but in internet explorer, they are not links, just text. I dont think this was a problem before I upgraded to 2.7.1 or 1.0…..



    create a file called new-menu-item.php and put it in your mu-plugins folder then add this code to your file:


    function add_test_to_main_menu() {
    echo '<li <a href="">Test</a></li>';


    add_action('bp_nav_items', 'add_test_to_main_menu');




    OK I found the problem. Two of my other plugins were conflicting, I uninstalled one and now it works.



    Now I have completely ditched the WP-Forums plugin, which has fixed the problem for most of the posts, but the first post in each category still have a problem with the sidebar when you are not logged in. Once you login the post looks fine….



    Im still working on it but I thought it looked ready to share with everyone

    Im having some problems with internet explorer not displaying some of my new menu navigation items links…

    Thanks for all of your help BuddyPress!!!!!



    Thanks Andy

    I added the template tag ‘per_page’ inside of bp_has_posts() in recent-posts.php which changes the number of recent posts displayed on the page, but it does not add the “next posts’ / ‘previous posts’ on the page. I added the navigation class from index.php right after end while…..

    that is the page I am talking about….am i missing something?



    I am using the orange “Download” version of BuddyPress, I tried switching back to the default theme and it didnt fix it, I deactivated the WP-Forums plugin and that fixed it……I would like to continue to use WP-Forums so why is that plugin affecting it?



    How could I go about adding the bp admin bar to the top of my wordpress back end admin pages?



    Im trying to do the same thing…do you think you could go into a little more detail to help me out? thanks!



    Thanks that gives me a good start, Ill give it a try and let you know how it goes



    Figured it out!
    I created a .php file with this code and uploaded it to the mu-plugins folder

    function add_forum_link() {
    echo '
    <li><a href="yoururl">Forums</a></li>
    add_action( 'bp_nav_items', 'add_forum_link' );



    I would also like to add a ‘Forums’ tab to the main menu.

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