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Forum Replies Created

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  • @vernonfowler


    Embedly plugin was conflicting.



    Could have been any (or all) of the following plugins:
    BP Group Documents (ancient, don’t think I can find it online again)
    BP Unread Posts (also obsolete)
    U BuddyPress Forum Attachment
    I haven’t reactivated any of these 3 and am about to delete them.

    It appears a case of too eager to upgrade without properly checking existing potential conflicts. Too much haste and not enough care in my excitement about 1.7 – my bad. Thanks for your support Paul.



    I believe some other plugins were conflicting. Activating bbPress with only the BuddyPress 1.6.5 plugin active works fine. I will go through the 1.7 update before trying some of my other plugins to determine which were producing the conflict. Thanks heaps to Andrew Macdermid for working with me today to narrow down the problem area. I will post again with the conflicting plugins once I’ve finished.



    Do I need a clean bb-config.php ? I thought activating bbPress for the first time would create a fresh configuration file to the same database and user as WordPress. Really stuck on this one. Appreciate your help.



    Hi @djpaul
    Sorry, I forgot to mention this is not a multisite install. Just a single site, so no network to worry about. I’m tempted to download the old version 2.3 of bbPress and test that out tonight / tomorrow morning.



    Adding `global $bp;` helped me in a basic conditional test. Thanks and I hope this old issue has been resolved.



    Anyone using the lite version of WPMU’s Chat plugin ? Pros and cons please.





    Thanks Tammie. I did see that thread earlier but it isn’t clear to me whether the conversation was more around threaded comments rather than forum posts.



    Has this been revisited? I am interested in threaded forum posts. It’s not clear to me where threaded comments discussion ends and where threaded forum posts begins. Anyway, is anyone close to or got threaded forum posts working?



    Thanks so much @snowgurl11 That worked for me, just that one edit on line 144 of /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bp-forums-bbpress.php :)



    Thanks for these brilliant additions to forums. I’d been wondering for some time why tags weren’t appearing anywhere as I’d initially had the groups forum directory switched off. Now we have the opposite extreme using all the suggestions above – alpha sorted tag clouds for individual topics and for all groups forums appearing in all the right places. Thanks @snark and @boonebgorges – you’ve made my day.

    Oh, by the way, since input of uppercase/lowercase tags doesn’t make any difference, you might consider use of CSS formatting like this:

    `your_selector a { text-transform:lowercase; }`



    Thanks so much Andrew Tegenkamp. This works exactly how I wanted.



    Thanks dianat – going to your wp_users table and set user_status to 0 works perfectly. And for those who want the SQL for that, it is:
    UPDATE `wp_users`
    SET `user_status` = 0
    WHERE `user_status` = 2

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