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  • @whitbyglennk


    Will this work with all themes and is the payment a one off payment with free updates.



    Thanks for your help guys. Its always nice to get a useful answer as I often struggle finding the right topics through search.



    Does the fact that some recieve emails whilst others dont, confirm that my server is sending out the mail ? I recieve email notification of all onsite activity.

    With regards to the confusion of capital letters when signing up many of the people I have asked to help me with my site have run into problems. If people are having difficulties because the sign up process is not running smoothly then I fear people just wont bother. When your trying to set up a new community this is a risk you just cant afford to take as every potential new member is very valuable.

    In this topic :

    on my fishing forum, I have asked people to help me out. From about 8 people over 50% of them have run into problems.



    Thanks for your assistance. I struggle with searches as Im never sure what data to put in the search box. I shall read the topic you suggest



    I spent all day yesterday installing this theme and making it look nice on the home page, I then browsed around to find that inside the theme there is a lack of functionality such as no activity streams in group, poor css making pages look messy, no new topic buttons in the forums. Then you start to look for assistance and its hard to get, then you find the theme author offers a premium version of the theme and a membership group with ongoing subscriptions. If I had known this before I started I wouldnt have bothered.

    Is it just me or are others finding it a little annoying that buddypress seems to be not in the keeping of the wordpress ethos of free software for all. Everyone seems to want to make money from it, which is fair enough at the right price, but monthly subscriptions have you by the balls.

    Is there anyone out there who makes a nice free theme or a premium theme with upgrades at one off fee or an acceptable yearly fee ?



    Anybody help ?



    Is it really difficult to do this type of thing ? I dont mind opening files and adding code. I guess if you dont try you dont learn but I just need some guidance.



    Is there no way I can do this myself ?

    Failing that though I will go to the job board, a good suggestion, thankyou.



    Ah ok. Thanks for the help

    yes they work with the default theme. The problem is with the new theme the post buttons are missing. What file would I need to find and edit to add a post new topic button ? I would like to add a new topic button in several places, like it is on this forum we are using currently..



    Sorry, I dont quite understand how buddypress works. Could you advise on what template files I need to be looking for to get this working. I would like to add button for new topic.



    So what do I need to do to get it working ?



    how do we get the message to him that his site isnt working at the moment.



    Hope you dont think Im rude, Im just saying what I see. No point in lieing. I am looking for a god quality premium theme. However, when I look at the demo on the site I am thinking this is not much of an improvement on the default buddypress theme, A few changes of colour, text and images, but nothing substantial.

    If I was trying to sell a premium theme I would make the demo show that theme and have plenty of data on the site to illustrate how the theme looks right across the board. The current demo wont sell anything.

    I am certainly interested in seeing what people make with the theme and if it looks good I would buy it. I am also looking at the wpmudev themes in particular blogsmu which I really like, but I refuse to pay for upgrades, I dont mind paying a one off fee upto $100 but upgrades must be free.



    Your demo does not inspire me.Im hoping your theme does more than you are showing me. Is anyone using this theme ? Can you give links to your sites so I can see what they are like. Also, are future upgrades free ?



    This issue is now resolved,. The problem was with the hosts.



    Ok. Ive reinstalled.

    Ive managed to set up a sub blog at :

    Trying to upload an image I get

    “leeds-united-whitby-whites.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
    Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I have manually created the folder and given write permissions and still get the error. Your help would be greatly appreciated




    What to do ?

    Delete everything and start again, or deactivate buddy press and get the multi site working, then reactivate buddy press.



    Im confused. WHATS WP MULTI SITE ? I thought mu no longer existed? I do need the facility to allow users to create blogs but I was going to deal with that after the initial teething problems. Could you give me a plan of attack as I am now having more permission path problems, this time with the album+ plugin not being able to upload images.



    Thanks Roger, is there no-where you can buy similar premium themes ? The ones at link above are good but not brilliant.



    wITH regards to people setting up their own blogs in subfolders. Will they have the choice of different themes etc or does every sub blog follow the sites main theme.



    Thanks for your advice guys. Im sure Ill be back for more help soon. Ive seen a few themes I like but not sure how to get hold of them :

    would love to get my hands on this theme



    Thanks for your help. Pleased to know you remembered me, its a small world even on line. After a lot of hard work I eventually switched the sea angling site to wordpress along with a magazine theme from gabfire.

    Ive never looked back since. The ease of adding posts and displaying them on a homepage is amazing and saves one hell of a lot of time. Looking back to those days of trying to write html and css I wonder how I kept my sanity.

    Anyway, thanks for your advice. I would tend to agree that a subdomain named community would be the way forward. Im quite looking forward to getting it running. I love tinkering with these things and it will make a good project for the coming winter months.

    Just clarify, wordpress mu is now non existent ?

    All the best – Glenn



    Hi There, please see the above post. The root is Instead of the forum thats already in place I want to have a community attached to that main site, with blogs, groups, and a forum. Any thoughts or pointers of the best way forward are greatly appreciated.



    Thanks for the info so far. I currently have a site about my home town. Its a news and topical debate site I would like to try create a community section of that site and felt the subdomain would be the best place ? But obviosuly im willing to listen to you guys if you think thats a bad move.

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