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  • @wpwebbouw


    @modemlooper good idea, thanx



    If you are using the bp-default theme, it appears the forum uses the page.php template. You could alter this template (in a child theme) by removing the sidebar. Then in the css remove margin-right: 225px; from div#content .padder. Probably you must add a selector to affect only the forum page, e.g. .forum-archive div#content .padder { margin-right: 0}

    As page.php is also used for pages, you could make a new page-sidebar.php to use for pages where you want to have the sidebar. You can use page.php for other pages where you don’t want a sidebar as well.



    Thanks @solid_snake for putting me on the right track. As the maxlength attribute is html5 only and doesn’t work in IE and Opera, I went looking for other solutions. I found a javascript solution with a counter that works well after some tweaking:

    Changed the javascript a bit to:

    function textCounter( field, countfield, maxlimit ) {
    if ( field.value.length > maxlimit )
    field.value = field.value.substring( 0, maxlimit );
    alert( ‘You reached the maximum of ‘+maxlimit+’ characters.’ );
    return false;
    countfield.value = maxlimit – field.value.length;

    In the html I changed the keypress event to a keyup event:


    Works in all browsers.



    How do you set a blog as ‘private’ in a multisite / Buddypress setup?



    Thanks for the reply. I noticed the search field in the top right corner but it seems to give no forum results. (I see no breadcrumbs btw.)
    So it is true, a forum with 28,000 topics and no search. I can imagine there must be tons of questions posted over and over again in different threads. I’m rather new to BP and have some questions that may have been posted before. I hope the mods won’t be too hard on me :-).

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