wzshop started the forum topic Possibility to fully customize posts and taxonomies? in the group Creating & Extending 13 years, 4 months ago
I was wondering if it is possible to fully customize the posts and taxonomies in WP/Buddypress. This means that fully decide what fields someone can fill in and in what order. I already have the plugin custom press, but that […] -
wzshop replied to the forum topic Favorite blog post in the group Creating & Extending 13 years, 4 months ago
thanks that kinda helped me out!
wzshop started the forum topic How to implement a function? in the group How-To and Troubleshooting 13 years, 4 months ago
I just installed custom fields plugin for buddypress. To use it in my theme it says:
To use in your theme, you can use next functions:get_fieldmeta( $post_id = null, $name = null, $alone = true) : for post_type
get_fieldmeta_taxo( […] -
wzshop joined the group Custom fields 13 years, 4 months ago
wzshop started the forum topic Favorite blog post in the group Creating & Extending 13 years, 4 months ago
Is there a plugin to favorite a blog post:
-one can favorite a blog post
-one can see and edit his/her own favorites
-one can see the favorite blog posts from another member
-favorite blog posts will show up in someones […] -
wzshop started the forum topic Profile Field Setup avatar (multiple) in the group BP Jobs Board: 14 years ago
I am looking for a scripter to extend my buddypress Profile Field Setup with uploading an extra avatar. In short at my weblog people can register, login and should be able to register several products they have with an avatar and some extra information about that specific product. Can someone script this for me and […]
wzshop joined the group BP Jobs Board 14 years ago
wzshop started the forum topic Profile Field Setup avatar? in the group Creating & Extending: 14 years ago
Hello, I am looking for a plugin to extend my buddypress Profile Field Setup with uploading an extra avatar. In short at my weblog people can register, login and should be able to register several products they have with an avatar and some extra information about that specific product. Is there any plugin available for […]
wzshop joined the group Creating & Extending 14 years ago
Active 1 month, 1 week ago