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  • @zlamczyk


    Figured this out, finally. Turns out that the file and function to modify was:
    –>function bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta )

    Isn’t it redundant to have two functions so similar to each other? Both the above function and
    –>function bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $key )
    are extraordinarily similar to each other. It’s kinda frustrating.

    I’d consider developing a plugin, but perhaps I’ll wait for the first release of WP 3.0.



    @DJPaul Any way of modifying your Welcome Pack plugin to accomplish what I want? In addition to this BuddyPress post, I’ve created on here, too:



    @crashutah Yes, Welcome Pack will work that way. The extra work for me to activate is, however, annoying as you presumed.

    @vanmurray Manual Member Approve will also work. But I still have to manually send an e-mail back to the user containing their username and password. One more step that I’d like to avoid.

    Temporarily, either of those solutions will work. However, I still think that simply sending the activation e-mail/url to the admin(s) would be the best solution for me.

    I’ve got a very small extension to get this figured out how I would like. If I cannot get help, or figure it out on my own, then I’ll have to use of these two brute-force methods.

    So, still looking for help on how to get the activation e-mails sent to the admin(s) instead of the corresponding user after registration. Thanks everyone.



    I’ve searched through most of the current BuddyPress plugin files and I have yet to find anything containing activation content like bp-core-signup.php. However, after those changes I initially made I really expected it to work. How does registration using WPMU 2.9.2 and BP 1.2.4 work?

    I’m really under a time crunch and looking for some help. Thanks for hearing me out.



    Decided to try bp-registration-options plugin. Flagged errors… I found the following discussion about this. It’s from 1+ month ago….

    I still think that the easiest thing to do would be to simply change the activation e-mail from being sent to the user to the admin(s) instead.

    Help please!



    @messenlehner I really wish this plugin was working for me. I’m getting the following warnings/errors after clicking Save Options.

    Top of page…
    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in …/wp-content/plugins/bp-registration-options/bp-registration-options.php on line 36

    Next to each group checkbox is the same error/warning…
    Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in …/wp-content/plugins/bp-registration-options/bp-registration-options.php on line 226/> GroupName

    Help please!



    Does anyone know if I have been modifying the correct file to change where the activation e-mail is sent to:



    @vanmurray I haven’t had time to look into this yet, but yes, your problem sounds similar to my own. I don’t necessarily want to stop the user activation e-mail all together, I just want to change the wording and remove the activation url that is sent to them. Additionally, I’d like the activation url sent to me, the administrator, so that I am the only one doing the approving of user registrations.

    I will be working on this more tonight and provide an update as I make progress. In the meantime, if anyone has suggestions…..



    I guess I’ll try this:

    Not very good ratings and no support apparently.

    I will test and update.

    If anyone has any other suggestions, please reply asap. Thanks, in advance.



    @piphut That plugin worked perfectly. Thanks for the suggestion! I can’t believe that I missed that plugin in the first place.



    It is set to that.

    Thanks for your respond @piphut, but seeing my site is really not necessary.

    Registration is open to everyone. I have a different plugin that makes registration only active once an admin approves them. That makes registration managed by admin prior to a user having access. Problem with only this plugin is that the site can still be seen (like the members, forums, groups, areas).

    That’s why I installed the Authenticate plugin. When a user tries to go to “” they are redirected to the login page, wp-login.php. The plugin is also set to allow access to “wp-register.php” to allow registration. Well, the plugin is set to work with WP single user only because it’s set to allow “wp-register.php”. Issue is that WPMU does not use that file for registration. It uses an action direct to a part of wp-login, or something. I cannot figure out how to allow the Registration link to work under WPMU and the Authenticate plugin.

    Could someone offer a suggestion, please? I tried the More Privacy Options offered by WPU Dev, but that failed miserably, too.



    The register link is present. When it is clicked, a user is redirected right back to the login page.





    @boonebgorges I successfully modified the “*/bp-default/single/home.php” so that static content was placed in the home page section of the individual group page. I also managed to collect the current group id! Your advice was spot-on (once I located the inherited home.php file, anyway, haha)!



    My theme does not have a groups directory – so no home.php there. There is a home.php here:
    Is it possible that my theme simply inherits this file?



    @M How do I retrieve the group id from within the activity-loop.php?



    @Orca239 Did you get it working with WP single user? Or MU?



    Anyone? Anyone at all?



    @twodeuces Please do update when BuddyPress Auto Join Group is working for WP single-user – this will save me many, many, many headaches! Thanks, in advance, to everyone that has contributed to the BuddyPress Auto Join Group.



    Has anyone added permanent/static content to individual group home pages when the activity stream is disabled?



    Sorry, should have posted in How to and Trouble-shooting….

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