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Hi Chouf1,
Perhaps you’ve misunderstood. Accented fields are not a problem to create or use if you’re using the basic template – my problems only arose when I tried to call those fields and use them conditionally in the members loop in a customized theme. So, for example , that would be equivalent to displaying the results from your “Champ supplémentaire n° 4 bis ” on this page: I haven’t touched the core code, the modifications are in my theme files.
If you have an alternative solution though, please feel free to share it.
Alrighty, I figured it out!!
So, it looks like the function “bp_get_member_profile_data”, which is suggested for use on the members-loop page, doesn’t work with field IDs, nor accents, nor apostrophes. To get around this, I used the function that is used in member-header.php (bp_profile_field_data), which does accept field IDs, but specified the user. Here was the final code I used:`bp_get_profile_field_data( ‘field=17&user_id=’ . bp_get_member_user_id() );`
Hope this helps somebody!
Hi r-a-y,
Good suggestion. This worked perfectly for the single members page. However, I’m still having the same problem on the Member Directory page… This returns nothing:
bp_get_member_profile_data( ‘field=17’ );
`Ok, here was the solution! Indeed, if nothing is returned, the user hasn’t checked it. The problem was that I had to change the function to include the “get”.
$isMember = bp_get_member_profile_data( ‘field=Member’ );
if ($isMember == “”) {
} else {
`Thanks for the reply hnla.
Apologies, my first instinct was to come here as I thought maybe someone familiar with how the ajax is referenced in the default theme could help me duplicate it in Buddymatic. For the moment, I’ve used the suggestion of the other poster, which was to duplicate and rename each and every AJAX function in my own functions file. Obviously this is not an ideal solution but it will work while I wait for a fix either to Buddymatic, or the eventual release of Thematic with support for Buddypress.
How would something like this be adapted for the directory loop? Is it possible? I am hoping to show whether users have a particular checkbox ticked in their profile (for the same purpose, to show a “badge”).
Anyone?? I found this forum discussion:
I know it’s possible in the profile page, but can anyone tell me if the above method could be adapted for the directory loop?
I would have thought that too, and that’s the technique I’m using elsewhere to the same effect, with a different function – xprofile_get_field_data (‘Field Name’, $user_id). But using that function doesn’t seem to return anything, member or not, in the member loop.
Ok, thought I’d follow up in case anyone tries to do the same thing.
Here’s the code that ended up working:
$user_id = $comment->user_id;
$isMember = xprofile_get_field_data( ‘Member’, $user_id );
if ($isMember == “”) {
} else {
}No idea how this would be done if you were testing for more than one checkbox though, but for my use (either checked or not), it worked just fine.
Great plugin! Personally I am using it ONLY for the email subscription. I would like to see integration with Campaign Monitor, as it’s my email tool of choice, but in the meantime I’ve created a MailChimp account to gather email addresses.
Just wondering, does anyone have any thoughts on this? Still at a bit of a loss as to how to approach this…
Yes, I’m trying to style the comments of a particular group a little differently. The community I’m building is for users and potential clients of a membership-based service. Anyone can sign up, but I’d like to give commenters who are actual members of the service a little bit of a different treatment, so their comments carry more weight. I’m envisioning a small icon that overlays their gravatars indicating they are members.
For the moment I had planned on using xprofile data for this. I don’t have groups enabled (yet), but if we use them in the future, I would like to make them user-controlled for smaller interest groups (whereas membership to this group would be more admin-controlled). We have an external database with the names of all members in it, but I’m not yet sure how to cross-check with that database when users sign up (or if that’s even possible!).
Maybe xprofile data is not the best way to go about this? I know there are role options in WordPress, would this maybe be a better way to handle this? My main concern is ensuring maximum flexibility as the site develops.
Ok, update on progress.
I finally found some examples in the forums of people calling profile data. Here’s what I’ve currently got in my template files, this seems to be working:
$user_id = $comment->user_id;
$isMember = xprofile_get_field_data( 'Member', $user_id );
echo 'Member: '. $isMember;The field is a radio button with only one option. This returns: a:1:{i:0;s:3:”Yes”;}
I know this is outputting some kind of array, but my knowledge gets a little shaky here. How would I target this data to conditionally do something if the value “Yes” is selected?
By the way, as per my previous post – I think I figured out the nav issue. To get both menus combined, I duplicated the standard buddymatic nav into my functions file, and added a call with wp_list_pages before the BP pages. This did the trick, but if there is a better way to do this, let me know!
Salut Luc,
Since Buddymatic is simply a port of an existing framework – Thematic – any child themes that work for Thematic should, in theory, work for Buddymatic.
Keep in mind though, all of the sites on the demo pages are custom designs. If you don’t find a theme that meets your needs, consider hiring a designer.
Just a final note. This thread is meant for Buddymatic bugs and code issues. Since your question is really one regarding the design of Thematic child themes, best to ask your question in a separate thread – maybe even in the Thematic forums.
Hi Ron,
How’s development on this going? After a little pause I’m back in the code. I’m trying to combine the buddypress tabs into the regular navigation.
You’d mentioned you would set up a second child theme this way… any chance you’d give me some hints?
I’ve managed to get them side by side with a custom function, but they are still contained within two separate ULs.
Perhaps I’m unclear, but why would it be preferable to keep the navigation bars separate by default, as opposed to just adding buddypress tabs to one main navbar? This isn’t the way that the default theme works, and the UI problems of having two home buttons are significant…
I noticed another CSS tweak too: there is a float:left applied to #sidebar .padder a, which is floating the links for “create an account” in the sidebar.
Redirecting profiles is solved – it was a result of the backwards compatibility plugin. Deactivating the plugin solved the issue.
With regards to the nav bar, from poking around in the code it looks like there are two menu bar instances – one with my regular pages, another one with the BP pages.
With the new version, the error message is gone, as is the gap in the admin. Sidebar is no longer overlapping either. Yay!
Still have the multiple nav bars and the redirecting profiles. Let me know if there’s anything I can test on my end…
WP single 2.9.2, BP 1.2.1 for me also.
Hi Ron. Thanks again for this – it will mean I won’t have switch themes mid-development to integrate BuddyPress into a project. Very grateful!
I just gave this a quick install tonight and here are a few issues:
– Error message in the branding area;
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘bp_core_admin_bar’ was given in /home/.perro/czoltok/ on line 339
– Clicking on usernames redirects to homepage;
– It seems that there are two version of the navigation bar – the regular one, and the buddypress one – stacked on top of each other. On the top row are my regular pages and a search bar that has been added in my functions file, and just below, there are tabs for “Home” and “Members”, as well as the BuddyPress bar.
– I have the admin bar of Buddypress set to not show in the functions file, but there is a gap in my WordPress admin page where it would normally go (it’s blank, but the gap remains).
I’d prefer not to put the testing site up here, so I’ll DM you the URL.
Bewst: Buddymatic hasn’t been updated for 1.2 yet, so any errors are likely due to that. Give the kind theme developers a little time, it’ll be updated very shortly, at which time you can download a new version that should work just fine. (I know ’cause I’ve been pestering them myself!)
I’m getting this issue under 1.2, using a child of the Buddymatic theme (not built for 1.2). I’m guessing it’s a matter of upgrading the theme for the new version… Will this function the same way an upgrade to 1.1 went, with replacing files with the new ones? If so, would you be able to give me a hint as to which files might need to be replaced, and which theme (default, classic, parent) I should be copying from?
Hope this is clear. Thanks!