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  • Thanks for your reply. I’d rather not touch the functions.php file due to a lack of knowledge of PHP.

    The problem is that Buddypress is loading 2 different CSS files for the admin bar. They are:




    On the adminbar.css file I made changes so the admin bar stretches across the whole page.

    When visiting a sub-domain blog it loads the second file called adminbar.css?ver=3.0.3 so my admin bar doesn’t stretch across the whole screen anymore. I can’t edit this file as it doesn’t exist and is inserted via a line of PHP in the header.php file.

    Honestly I’m very close to giving up with Buddypress completely as I’ve been trying to resolve this issue for over a month now. No one knows why Buddypress is adding this database version of the adminbar.css file and I don’t see why it’s doing it either.

    I can edit /buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/css/adminbar.css?ver=3.0.3 via Firebug and change the 1 line of code to fix the admin bar but I can’t reach that file as it doesn’t exist at all.




    Unfortunately that method breaks the adminbar in the wordpress admin panel :(


    Thanks very much for your replies!

    I just created the file and added the overights that work on the main blog with no luck :( I’ve created a short screencast so you can see the problem:

    As you can see when applying the change to adminbar.css?ver=3.0.1 it works but it doesn’t on adminbar.css.

    I’ll send the first person to help me solve this $5 via PayPal.

    Thanks very much for your replies!

    Can anyone help with this? I’m desperate :(

    Thanks very much. I decided to go with the plugin because it allows my users to also exclude pages. wow!

    Hey Tammie. Thanks very much for that video. I followed your tutorial and it worked perfectly. The only issue I had was the preview in the admin panel was using the old sizes but I managed to solve that with some CSS tweaks. Just need to figure out my adminbar problem now :(


    I’ve tried everything to figure this out but I’ve run out of ideas :( Does anyone know the best way to go about this?

    Here’s some screenshots showing the file in Firebug but it doesn’t exist so I imagine the styles are taken from the database?

    Thanks everyone!

    Thanks so much! I used and it worked perfectly! All I need to solve now is the admin bar issue which I have posted here:


    Thanks very much for your reply!

    1) I am actually using the same child theme for all of the blogs. I’ve noticed that every blog expect from the primary domain blog has the following reference:

    This is inserted in the head section with the code below which I assume means it’s from the database

    ^ I only need to edit one line from that file but it doesn’t exist so I don’t know what to do :D It doesn’t work if I use a CSS over right either :(

    2 & 3 Thank you soooo much! You’ve moved 2 current and many future problems for me! May I ask which plugin you personally recommend?



    OK I’ve noticed that the line to reference the strange adminbar css file is inserted through this:

    I assume this is inserted from the database? Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!


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