I’m using buddypress 1.2.8 and wordpress 3.1.4
These are not bugs, they’re notices, meaning that the plugin will still work. These have been resolved in BP 1.5, btw.
could I fix some of theme ? because I wouldn’t upgrade so far !
Well, yes. But it’s a very, very, very large amount of work. I don’t understand your logic when you say that you don’t want to upgrade to 1.2.9 because of the PHP notices (all of which would be in 1.2.
. If you’re being picky, wait a matter of weeks for BP 1.5.
@djpaul l wouldn’t upgrade because I’ve edited many files so if I upgrade I’ve to edit them all a second time, also I’m using many plugins that are not compatible with 1.5 
You’ve caused this difficulty for yourself, really. Unfortunately I cannot do much other than suggest you set up a test site and re-implement all your changes onto a new 1.2.8 using custom plugins to customise the hooks and filters. And then switch that clean version of BuddyPress, and then you’ll be in a good position to upgrade to BP 1.5.
Geat Idea! I’ll try it..
Thank you very much Paul
you are great person