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Account Activation Email

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  • @hnla


    I do hope they didn’t really say could only be fixed by buddypress support. Generally email issues are not BP problems, and currently BP has no issues I’m aware of in sending registration emails, which also is really a WP function.

    Easy check that should have been run first would have been and still ought to be tried is to disable BP and simply try registering an account under WP.

    Often email issues fall under the heading of ‘Domain Record’ issues i.e email servers rejecting an email as it can’t be verified as authorised on the sending domain or there’s no PTR record or SPF record, or simply that the server sendmail is at issue, these though are not really problems that lie with WP or BP which normally happily send out emails.

    Search this forum though as these issues have been discussed many times and you’ll find more info in the archives.



    @asieger A rather basic question: Have you checked the Spam folders in your email accounts?



    @hnla; thanks.

    ; i have checked all the spam folder of the emails used, no such mail as the activation email.

    Thanks all
    _ Samuel



    @asieger as hnla mentioned above, deactivate BuddyPress and BP plugins. Can you register/activate an account with BP deactivated?



    Hi fellows,

    : I deactivated BP and its Plugin and i registered a new user as subscriber but the new user did not get the activation mail too(meanwhile, i tick the box that allows new users to get the credentials), but i (as the administrator) got an email about the newly registered user.

    So, the problem here is not with BP, its has to do with WP itself. Any suggestion or way out in solving this issues?

    I’ll expect your response.

    – Samuel



    Thanks @mercime and others, users now receive activation emails in their boxes.

    Please how do i make Activity Stream the Main Page once a user logs in? Currently on the site where i implemented buddypress, once a user logs in, it takes them back to the index page (home page) of the site.

    your responses will be helpful.

    Oladoye Samuel

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