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[Resolved] active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Page

  • Moulijin


    I’ve been up all night trying to figure out this issue: “The following active BuddyPress Components do not have associated WordPress Pages: Activity Streams, Discussion Forums, User Groups, Members, Activate, Register”

    I’ve Googled for answers, tried the permalinks from other people’s suggestions on google. I re-installed Buddypress and WordPress. I still get the “Page not found
    We’re sorry, but we can’t find the page that you’re looking for. Perhaps searching will help.”

    I did the “repair” in the BuddyPress settings, saved individually and “save all”. I still did not get it to work.

    I am running my site on Windows Server 2008 r2, the permissions on my site is correct and web.config is correct. I have no other solutions I can think of right now and I am asking for those who had this issue if they could possibly help me out.

    Thank you

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  • imnotme82324


    In your dashboard, go to settings and select “BuddyPress”. You’ll be brought to the BuddyPress options page. Select the tab titled “Pages”. From there it will help you create the needed pages and associate those pages with the BuddyPress components 😀



    BuddyPress requires “pretty permalinks’. mod_rewrite should be enabled



    Cool! Back in the Dashboard, pick settings again and find “Permalinks” in the list. In the permalinks options, choose a link setting other than the default. I prefer the “Post-name” one, myself. After you save your changes you should be set.



    I tried those and still doesn’t work



    You have made the pages, right? For BuddyPress to work, you need to create some new pages in WordPress, like “Members”, “Activity”, “Activate”, et cetera. Once you’ve created those pages, you go back to the BuddyPress section and the “Pages” tab and assign the pages you just created to the new sections.

    If you’re still having problems, perhaps a walk-through of the BuddyPresss Installation and Setup will help: It helped me when I first started 🙂



    LOL wow! Thanks it worked 🙂

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