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Activity stream as front page in BP 1.2.4, WP 3.0 b2

  • @lph2005


    I was hoping the upgrade to BP 1.2.4 would solve this issue but it remains. Using WP 3.0 beta 2, the activity stream cannot be set as the front page. I know the process (create page called news, go to reading, etc), however, this will cause the site to load with a 404 error. I posted this a few times and was told 1.2.4 would fix this issue. I know that using WP 2.9.2 and 1.2.3 works but once the upgrade to WP 3.0 b2 happens – the page loading fails.

    Does anyone have this working on WP 3.0 betas? If so, maybe there is another step I’m missing. After all, I can get it to fail on 3 different sites (2 different servers). So, I can repeat the problem but cannot fix it. Maybe it’s just me ;)

    BTW: Thank you devs for a wonderful product.

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  • @lph2005


    Same problem exists for BP and WordPress 3.0-beta2-14822.



    did you file a trac ticket? (same login info here)

    (i can dup the same issue on a fresh single wp3b2 install)





    I’m having the same issue with BP and WP 3.0-beta2-14960 upgraded from MU 2.9.2, subdirectory install, BP installed on secondary blog.





    Thank you mercime. While working on a child theme, I copied the code from activity stream and forum index into the /index.php and sidebar.php and changed the css to get a nice width.

    Unfortunately, some of the activity stream is showing up blank. The member icon shows but not their username .. etc .




    @mercime Shouldn’t this functionality work in the default theme without any customization?



    It wasn’t working for me with WP 3.0. I was getting a 404 when I had my front page set to “Activity Stream”.

    I just got it working by copying a good portion of activity/index.php into a custom page template. Then I set a page to use the template and set my front page to THAT page (if that makes any sense!) I also have the page content displaying above the stream in a not logged in conditional statement so that I can show easily editable content to non-member visitors. I’m happy to pastebin my page template if anyone needs it.

    (WP 3.0-beta2 + BP



    Still working on WP 3.0 RC1



    @mike3ike it should but it fails at times, so for peace of mind either use locate_template or copy and paste the code in home.php or page template which @justbishop and stwc did



    I figured out why the activity stream failed for some people. The registration options in Super Admin –> Options were not set correctly.



    I don’t have “Network” enable in WordPress 3.0 RC1 and BP – Activity Stream as Front Page is still not working.

    What is the best practice to test BP against WP 3.0 RC1 – i thought BP 1.2.4 was published to fix the WP 3.0 issues, or should i use trunk?



    There seems to be a lot of talk about BP 1.2.4. in conjunction with WP 3.0 and that some believe that 1.2.4 was intended to work with WP 3.0 yet I see no mention of that fact when reading the roadmap for versions. BP 1.3 is the only one that mentions WP 3.0.

    BP was rushed out to fix an error in the initial release that included code from the 1.3 trunk spuriously.

    If one wants a definitive answer I would think that downloading the trunk and running that against WP 3.0 should give a good idea of whether this is a real issue and requires a ticket raised or simply that is not intended to work flawlessly with WP 3.0



    What @hnla said roadmap = BP 1.3 with WP 3.0. No one said BP is compatible with WP 3.0beta/RC. Sure you can test it, but there are no guarantees. Right now, WP/MU 2.9.2 and BP is working for me in test and live installs.

    So while upgrades from WPMU 2.9.2 to WP 3.0 beta/RC multisite have been quite smooth in test installs, the BP trunk networking side is rendering some errors with some BP-dependent/extension plugins most often with “Page Not Found” as components are now rendered as WP Pages.



    Works not on WordPress 3.0-RC1-15092



    Just to clear up what @mercime and @hnla said, BP 1.2.4 was, in fact, released to not only fix outstanding issues in the 1.2.x branch, but to also improve support for WP 3.0:

    This highly anticipated version provides fixes to 74 reported tickets and adds improved support for WordPress 3.0 to help ensure a safe and worry free upgrade. (

    There has been a ticket reported as stated in a earlier post to this topic. From looking at Trac, it looks like there might be a 1.2.5 release since WP 3.0 won’t be out until mid-June at the earliest, and the BP 1.3 branch can’t really be finalized until WP 3.0 is stabilized/finalized. This is obviously an issue people are having, so if anyone wants to go and add some info to the ticket about your setup it would likely help get the issue resolved.



    I am using WP 3.0 in Network (Multiuser) with BuddyPress Version I still could not get the activity stream to present on the home page (“Not Found” error).

    Here is my (easy) fix:

    1. Create an empty page (name it what you will, I called it “Activity”) and leave it in DRAFT (so the title does not display on the menu).
    2. Using the PAGE LINKS TO plugin (version 2.3), set the page to display the activity stream (
    3. Set WP SETTINGS/READING to display the new page on the home page.

    Works GREAT!

    Ray Waldo (“Bishop of Technology”)



    @raywaldo – This is an old thread.

    You might be interested in a proposed fix for this issue here.

    Closing thread.

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