Activity Wall bug BP 1.7.2 comments/replies
tried with different themes in addition to disabling plugins
@kalanstar Just tested and I cannot replicate the bug. Do you have something in bp-custom.php file or in mu-plugins folder which you have not deactivated?I just went through deactivating all the plugins again except for ones like Jet Pack, BBpress, and WordPress SEO by yoast. No go. Will unupdate buddypress and try with earlier versions today and post back.
@kalanstar I don’t have Jet Pack and WordPress SEO by yoast in the installation mentioned above.
OK. Just tried with everything turned off except for Buddypress with 3 different themes. Same problem.
OK. Tried down grading to 1.7.1, 1.7. and 1.6.5 on two sites running on hosting from the same provider (different servers though), same issue…. Could it be a host’s setting????
Checked my WP error log but it lists no errors related to the activity wall though… My second test site doesn’t eirher.
Stumped here
Where are you hosted? I’ve heard issue with host’s object cache, just can’t recall if it was with Activity Stream or another component.
Hosted with Instra at the moment.
Going to try downgrading wp and see…
I have this same problem. I thought it was because I upgraded from a previous version and had a bunch of plugins causing a conflict. I just purged my site of BuddyPress including anything from pre-1.7.2 (including any DB entries), I reinstalled 1.7.2 and I have nothing in my Activity page, nothing in the Site Tracking page, nothing in User Groups, and all of my BuddyPress pages have ‘Viewing ARchives for “” ‘ at the top of the content area.
You wouldn’t happen to have Better WP Security running would you, and have renamed your DB Tables? I’m trying desparately to solve this problem and nothing seems to be working. I created all of my sub-blogs via the Admin console so the bug appears to still be there and several more. I’m running Pagelines Framework.
@bottleinfrontomy at least 3 users have posted in this forum re pagelines framework. Deactivate pagelines theme and the pagelines-buddypress plugin then change to Twenty Twelve theme. Check if issues are resolved. if not, deactivate plugins batch by batch to check which one is causing conflict – including those in mu-plugins folder.
mu-plugins folder? Perhaps I’m not hip to the lingo. Where is that folder?
I’ll try again with the basic troubleshooting and see where that gets me since I don’t recall what the outcome was. I remember disabling everything and going to the twentytwelve theme with no change in the results.
So.. here are the results, I remembered correctly.
I disabled the theme, tried both TwentyTwelve and BuddyPress Default Theme. The results:
Activity Streams are blank.
Site Tracking shows no blogs, all were created via the admin console.
No User Groups, Creation isn’t possible.
Members page shows members.
Registration page is functional.
Activate page is functional.When I reactivate Pagelines Framework, I get certain content on the page that shouldn’t be seen since these aren’t regular pages, they are BuddyPress pages so the content of the page is empty, but Pagelines Framework is showing this oddball line [Viewing archives for “”] at the top of the page, as well as the by-line and the “read more” link at the bottom of the pages that were created.
Everything else remains the same. No groups, can’t create groups. No blog list, no stream.It’s very odd to me. I’ve spent a ton of time on getting this operational and would hate to start over since I don’t know of a last-known-good backup at this point. I’m not even sure when the glitch presented itself. It had been working fine until I upgraded to 1.7.2, there wasn’t a hiccup in the upgrade either.
haha.. I just noticed that there aren’t any buddypress tables created in my database and my error log is nothing but errors calling various _bp_ tables. Wow. Not sure how to fix this one.
@bottleinfrontomy start at the beginning.
– Hopefully, you did not install WP with webhost’s one-click install as that is not kosher with BuddyPress installs where you need to have full control of your site
– Deactivate all plugins, change to Twenty Twelve theme and then activate BuddyPress.
– Go to Settings > BuddyPress and configure Components, Pages, and Settings
– If everything’s working as expected in front end – registration, group creation, etc., activate your plugins – make sure they’ve been upgraded to latest WP BP versions.
– Final step, activate your theme of choiceNope. Manual install. Like I said, I’ve been running this for a couple years as a side project, never had a problem until 1.7.2. I’m not sure if you read both of my comments…
Anyway, My current installation of BuddyPress did not create any database tables. Other than manually creating them, I have no idea how to fix it or even why it is happening suddenly.
I’ve even installed the bleeding edge BP, and it too didn’t create any tables. There is something odd going on and I’ll have to hunt it down and/or start over from nothing. Very frustrating. Thanks for trying.
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11 years, 9 months ago
I just found this bug.
If an update is commented on more than 5 times, the activity wall breaks. On my theme, backgrounds don’t load, and deleting comments becomes impossible leading to a 404 error. Also no new replies or comments can be made but new updates can be added to the wall. On my BP site I also have profile activity streams active, and all streams will work except for the one which a users comment has gone past the magic number 5.
Deleting comment/reply number 6 restores the activity walls function. I’ve re-installed bp, wp, and tried with different themes in addition to disabling plugins. The error stuck. So, it is BP 1.7.2 I figure. I also repaired and optimized the database in phpmyadmin…
Will try uploading earlier versions to see if the error persists.
The sites been up for 9 months and this is the first time this has happened.