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Adding a “New Topic” button

  • benharvey29



    I’m new to Buddypress development and I’m looking to add a button on the page that displays a list of topics within a forum. Creating the markup to create the button that jumps to the form at the bottom of the page is no problem, but I am struggling to find where to modify the template to add the button.

    From what I understand, the forum pages use the default ‘page.php’ template from the active wordpress theme. Is there a way to detect when you are on this type of page using some sort of method from buddypress i.e. is_forum_page()?

    If this method is not available, can someone point me in the direction of the code within the buddypress plugin that outputs the content, so that I can modify the output?

    Apologies if this has already been covered or if I’m missing the point, but I’ve struggled to find an answer to this problem through the forums.

    Thanks v much in advance.

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