15 years ago
Any thoughts on how to add “Create a Group” to the BP Admin bar under the My Account drop down menu?
I have WPMu, and BP 1.2.1 and am operating off of the Arras theme. If you want to take a look please feel free: http://theswimmerscircle.com
Thanks for the help so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing some ideas!
I would love this as well, I have 1.1.3 myself. I wish I could upgrade to the latest, but my site is so heavily customized over a years worth of dev time on it, I can’t upgrade again since it’s gone live.
14 years, 12 months ago
Is there anyone that can provide help with this?
Try https://codex.buddypress.org/how-to-guides/modifying-the-buddypress-admin-bar/. It looks promising