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Adding pages to Navigation without coding and using a widget on multiple sidebar

  • plunderpat808


    Hi I have two questions, and I know there are a couple of related discussions on the forum, but I am looking for a definitive answer.

    Why is it when I add a page to my WordPress site, it doesn’t show up in my BuddyPress navigation? Is there any way that I can get it so that the buddypress navigation is updated with the pages that I add in WordPress. This seems like a strange behavior considering every other WordPress theme is designed to update the main nav with new pages when they are added in wordpress.

    Also when I go to add a widget to a sidebar when that widget is already used by another sidebar, WordPress does not give you the option to add it again. How do you include the widget on two sidebars at the same time.

    I don’t like doing a lot of coding and messing with files so if anybody has any simple coding solutions or tweaks to these issues, I would be very greatful. Thanks.

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  • Lo.

    > Why is it when I add a page to my WordPress site, it doesn’t show up in my BuddyPress navigation?

    Because that’s just the way the default home theme is written. The items listed on that menu aren’t ‘Pages’ in the WordPress sense, anyway, so it makes little sense for the default, out-the-box BuddyPress theme to do that.

    The bit of code you’d need to change (or to add in your custom/duplicate theme) is in header.php. Where you see:

    <ul id="nav">

    Add this underneath:

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?>

    Documentation for that function is at

    > Also when I go to add a widget to a sidebar when that widget is already used by another sidebar, WordPress does not give you the option to add it again. How do you include the widget on two sidebars at the same time.

    You’d have to create a duplicate the widget, and depending on how it is written and what it does, it may or may not require further modification.



    cool, ill give that a try, thanks for the quick response.



    Ok I seemed to be able to get my WordPress pages up in the “ul nav” but I couldn’t get the selected class to work on them… I guess I’ll keep looking around for a solution.


    This leaves the word “Pages” with the nav bar dropping down below them is there a way to remove the word pages.. as iwould like to add my Forum and about pages in the nav bar but without the word “Pages” appearing along my nav bar.



    To get rid of Pages, I followed the directions on the link specified above:

    Using the following piece of code, the Pages will display without heading and in Page Order:

      <?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&title_li=’); ?>

    It can be kind of hard to find, it’s about half way down the page on this link:

    “F” is for friendly of course :-)

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