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Alignment and deletion

  • My site is running with S2Member and I’m pushing the compatibility because I dislike the themes available for BP. But, now on the pages that are truly BP; they have this terrible Search at the bottom that is not aligning and I would like to delete it entirely.

    See: for obvious issue along bottom (in blue footer)

    Can someone tell me how I can shut it off or delete it?

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  • @mercime



    1. If you don’t like the themes available for BP, then you don’t have to diss them here.

    2. “Search at the bottom that is not aligning and I would like to delete it entirely”
    – I see “Play fetch …” text and “Switch to Mobile” link, which could have been inserted by a mobile plugin.

    3. Something went awry with your fixing alignment of the BP template files, I checked your Members Directory page and code is showing up instead of content.

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