Obviously these themes are at fault in as much as there were changes to the approach that zebra striping took the majority of the changes were in core files which you should have in but also there were changes made to theme files which is always likely to be an issue where non default themes are used as you will need to be aware of changes or wait for the theme author to update.
The table that lives in the forum directory is missing a class you need to go through all tables and add ‘zebra’ to the table class
Very minor point when posting to forums it’s better not to call on a member directly, the community has a lot of very knowledgeable people helping out a particular member may not be available or may be busy, so don’t impose or limit yourself 
Thanks @hnla point taken 
So to clarify I need to make the changes here:
but with the theme edits made in my custom theme rather than the default theme?
Yes those are the changes and you need them made to any of the files that ordinarily live in /bp-default/ but in this instance will reside in your theme folder.
@hnla I’m afraid to say I have changed the 4 php files and the js in my theme and still no luck
Have you got any tables with more than one row? (sorry if that sounds a silly question or I’ve missed them)
That second link: this is not a table! its a ul construct.
But is it not still .alt css that should alternately highlight that? Like the ul#topic-post-list li.alt command in this forum?
Not sure without checking but I don’t think ul lists were taken into account, it shouldn’t be difficult to add that ul li to the jQuery function though.
Ok thanks. I can only think that must be it because I have tried everything else. Unfortunately I have no idea when it comes to jquery though. So is my best option to wait for an update on this? Or is there something more pro-active I can do?
Try this; replace the line with this version:
jq(‘body#bp-default table.zebra tbody tr:odd, ul#topic-post-list > li:odd’).addClass(‘alt’);
However that does just target the members list you may need to change / remove or add #members-list
Foor that specific page you would want #topic-post-list – I’ve edited above.
I’ve edited it to read:
jq(‘body#bp-default table.zebra tbody tr’).mouseover( function() {
}).mouseout( function() {
jq(‘body#bp-default table.zebra tbody tr:odd, ul#topic-post-list > li:odd’).addClass(‘alt’);
jq(‘div.message-box’).each( function(i) {
if ( i % 2 == 1 )
But no luck
Your code looks correct and I’m afraid it works for me so at a bit of a loss as to why it’s not working for you.
Ok thanks for your help anyway. This is so frustrating!
one thing if you copy and pasted from here check that the characters didn’t paste as back ticks or other incorrect characters, so backspace the ‘ and , and enter them from your keyboard.
YES! That was it! I was getting tired and sloppy
Put the two ‘ in and now it works. Thanks so much, this has been tormenting me for a week!
Great stuff. Must remember that code can’t be copied from the posts for the time being until a proper code block is put in place.