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API documentation…

  • @supermaggel


    Yes, i know the question has been asked more then once. Why is it that there is no BuddyPress API? i don’t understand how there can be so much plugins, since developers can’t figure out which function or variable does what. Yes, i know there is a skeleton plugin, and no, it doesn’t explain all of the buddypress functionality.
    Yes, i know i can use all of wordpress’ functions, hooks and filters, but no ‘m not looking to use them. Why would i use BuddyPress in the first place, if i can also use the wordpress functions hooks and filters? yeah, i wouldn’t. So HOW can i figure out what bp_group_name for example does? Does it take one argument? two? Does it just echo the name of the ‘current’ group? How should i know this? how can i figure out IF there is a buddypress function that takes a group ID and gives me back the name of that group? i really am curious how all you developers figured that out.

    I think a lot of developers that are known with other software expect an API, and turn away from BuddyPress because there isn’t one (just saying).

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  • @anonymized-96400


    Well, the API is most definitely there and there’s also the codex. If you are a developer, then you should know code. So if you see a function somewhere and want to know what it does, just search for it in the BP folder and it’ll tell you all you need to know.

    If you want to know if there is a function that does thing x, then just look in the respective file (if it’s something to do with activity, then look at bp-activity.php for example). All the function names are very descriptive, so it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to find a function that fits your needs.

    Database classes can be found in these files:
    bp-{component name}/bp-{component name}-classes-php

    Template functions can be found here:
    bp-{component name}/bp-{component name}-templatetags-php

    Once you realize how files and functions within files are organized it’s actually quite intuitive.



    Thanks for your quick reply, i noticed that my post was a bit negative, sorry for that. However, where is the API documentation then? i can’t seem to find it.
    I will have a look at the core functionality then… Thanks again.



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