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Are these Plugins Update-Friendly?

  • @magganpice


    As Andy Peatling mentioned to me in Twitter, here a list of the plugins I am using in my BuddyPress installation. Since some plugins have been known to break BuddyPress on upgrade, I would be very happy on your feedback as to the upgrade-friendliness of the plugins in this list. The ones in square brackets aren’t specifically BP so they shouldn’t be a problem.

    Deactivating all plugins is a not-so-nice solution for BuddyPress, I hope the ugrade-friendliness-quality issues of plugins will be solved soon.

    My Plugins:


    — Confirmed Update Friendly —-



    BP Group Management

    BP Groupblog

    BP Expand Activity

    Invite Anyone

    BuddyPress Forums Extras (all)

    BuddyPress Like

    oEmbed for BuddyPress

    — Not Update Friendly (crashes site) —-

    Group Forum Subscription for BuddyPress

    BuddyPress Album+ ( is_site_admin() doesn’t exist in WP 2.9.2 should be current_user_can(‘install_plugins’) )

    Welcome Pack ( crashes on WP2.92 if BP is not active because it uses get_blog_option() )

    — Potentially Future Not Update Friendly (does not crash site but needs updating) —

    BP Group Documents (doesn’t crash but does not use a bp_init loader)

    Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets (doesn’t crash but does not use a bp_init loader)

    BuddyPress Maps (uses old method, needs updating to use bp_init loader)

    BuddyPress My Friends Widgets (uses old method, needs updating to use bp_init loader)

    BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts (doesn’t crash but does not use a bp_init loader)

    BuddyPress Widget Pack (uses old method, needs updating to use bp_init loader)

    *** Update from apeatling ****

    Plugin Authors — If your plugin does not appear in the “Confirmed Update Friendly” PLEASE UPDATE IT ASAP. It’s really important as your plugins are crashing/have the potential to crash users WordPress installations when BuddyPress is updated.

    This will take you less than 5 minutes to do if you create a loader.php file add the code in the link below, then just include your existing main plugin file when BuddyPress has loaded.

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  • @apeatling


    Let’s put our collective heads together and work out which plugins are breaking when BuddyPress is deactivated. I’ll update the list over time.



    I can speak to the ones I’ve written here.

    Update friendly: BP Group Management, Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets (as long as you’re using the most recent version), Invite Anyone.

    Not necessarily update friendly: Group Forum Subscription, which I haven’t updated for BP 1.2 so is use-at-your-own risk at the moment (I recommend instead).



    Update friendly: BP GroupBlog – Tested on WPMU / BP 1.2.1



    @Boone – and that other plugin you recommend (Activity Stream Subscription), is that one update friendly?



    List of Update Friendly Plugins (in most recent version):

    – Tweetstream

    – Facestream

    – BP Group Management

    – Enhanced BuddyPress Widgets

    – Invite Anyone

    – BP GroupBlog

    Please make a note of any BuddyPress plugin you know is update-friendly (which means: doesn’t break when BuddPress is deactivated).



    I’ve checked all the plugins and updated the list.





    It’s really easy to test, deactivate all plugins then activate the plugin in question. If your site gets a white screen or white screen with error then it’s not friendly. You can delete the plugin in wp-content/plugins to get your site back again.



    Any readers here – better post in this new more general thread by Andy Peatling:

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