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Asking for activation key after registration and clicking on the link in email

  • @safewp


    For unknown reason I suddenly started getting a page asking me for activation key every time after I register myself as a pretend new user and after clicking on the activation link in the email.

    I read a post with the same problem saying the activation key is in the email. I tried that so this is an example of the link,


    I tried zhG7gX5p4mtAnSv91K1ePhgBO3V3laWh
    and the entire url,
    but none of them work.

    In fact, the new user was never created because I checked the Users at admin backend, the new user was never there.

    A participant in the post said BP Autologin on Activation plugin solved her this problem but I tried it and it did not work. I think my situation is different from other members in that post because their newly registered members was actually created but mine wasn’t.

    I don’t know why this would happen because it never had this problem before.

    My site is still localhosted, if that matters.

    WP 4.7.3
    BP 2.8.2

    Please help.

    Thank you.

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • @ronitmsj123


    Hi BuddyPress team,
    Can we send new member activation code on phone number.

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