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autopost to twitter, facebook , instagram

  • @ds123


    hello there are plugins designed to autopost to social networks whenever a new wordpress post is published which i use and is extremely useful and powerful

    how do i add this to allow members of a buddypress community to authorize their twitter , facebook and instagram accounts from buddypress profile to auto post their updates there

    this would make buddypress the center of their online universe where they post to buddypress and hit all their other socials at the same time

    there used to be a plugin that did this for twitter which was awesome years ago ..bascially you could check or uncheck a box below your activity update to send to twitter or not and the bonus was not only did the link to that item get shared on twitter but it also showed where the update originated from which was the name of the community and it was hyperlinked bakc to the hompage

    as you can imagine this feature would help grow our communities big time and more automatically then any other thing i can think of ..they set and forget it and it continues to drive traffic to the site and an indirect way of inviting their friends to the community

    would anyone join me in a kickstarter campaign to get this plugin built?

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