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bbpress administration page

  • laviolette99


    I feel a bit stupid bu asking this, but I can’t find the administration page for bbpress. I found the forum setup under the buddypress menu, but this page only says that bbpress has been installed successfully.

    There’s nothing in the settings either…

    Any clue?

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  • I´ve got exactly the same problem. I´ve got a fresh install of WPMU 2.8.4a and BuddyPress 1.1.1, no separate bbPress as I thought BuddyPress would perform that install for me.

    This is what I get:


    bbPress forum integration in BuddyPress has been set up correctly. If you are having problems you can re-install

    NOTE: The forums directory will only work if your bbPress tables are in the same database as your WordPress tables. If you are not using an existing bbPress install you can ignore this message.


    When I try to post a new topic in any of the forums I get:

    “There was an error when creating the topic”

    So I guess bbPress isn´t installed after all? :-)

    The regular BBPress administration page isn’t accessible when used with the BuddyPress integration method. This also means that BBPress plugins won’t work.

    Karin, your problem is different and merits it’s own thread.

    Since I brought it up here: I found the problem. I upgraded from 1.0.3 to 1.1.1 the easy button-clicking way. It did not delete the old theme-files. When I deleted them, my forums started working like they should.


    And the solution is….? Because…?

    What’s the point of installing bbpress through BuddyPress if we cannot use it? The forum tab works but since there are no forums I cannot create any topics.

    Should we install bbpress separatly to be able to use it at all?

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