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bbPress vs. BuddyPress

  • @brianfritz


    After having looked at bbPress, and now at BuddyPress, I am confused. Can someone here explain what the differences are? It seemy BuddyPress incorporates bbPress, but an older version of bbPress. If that is true, what is it that BuddyPress brings that bbPress does not?

    Excuse me if this is “newbie”, but I tried to do a search here by putting “bbPress vs Buddypress” in the search box, and no search seems to occur. This makes searching for answers very difficult…

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  • @mercime


    1. BuddyPress and bbPress have the same Lead Developer,

    2. Current BuddyPress version uses own version of bbPress plugin for Group Forums and at the same time, can use bbPress plugin for Sitewide Forums.

    3. In upcoming BuddyPress 1.6, Group Forums will be refactored to use bbPress plugin

    bbPress *heart* BuddyPress :-)



    Thanks, you’ve explained sort of what I knew, that BuddyPress is looking to incorporate all of what the bbPress plugin does, but it isn’t quite there yet.

    So, what that leaves is my real question… What does BuddyPress do, that bbPress does not? I would assume the developer doesn’t just like developing new Plugin’s with new names that rehash old plugin’s. I hope anyway… LOL

    I have to be missing something. Also, does anyone here realize that search just does not work on this site?



    bbPress (any version) is a forum, right? Just like what we’re using to talk over now.

    BuddyPress is a social network layer for your WordPress site. The pictures on the front page list its features

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