It depends on your set up. Is it Multisite?
Members can have the RSS widget in sidebar with RSS url being their blog URL. You can activate the RSS widget from the widgets menu in admin area.
You can also use – it provides a tab in the profile area that lists the blogs.
There may be other ways also. Thanks.
I explained this in french on my blog, but copy/pasting code is easy in any language. 😉
What the snippet does:
- creates a new tab on profile
- use plugin.php (default template for plugins) to show the posts
Just two things to note:
- you cannot use get_exerpt outside of the post loop. This must be set manually in that case, on a post by post basis.
- You can show pictures, but no other medias on the profile.
I did what @danbp said, works fine.
It would be nicer if we could show posts with excerpts on an actual profile page or a widget, but a menu tab that brings visitors to that member/authors archive page is better then none.
@peter-hamilton – see

Brajesh makes great plugins, I use a few of his, I seem to remember that buddyblog is multisite only, and I had lots of issues making multisite function the way I intended my site to function.
I did have a look and tried Buddyblog, but I found in my case the FEP plugin did what I needed just a bit better/easier, and without multisite.
And I think it should be possible to get the posts to show on the plugin.php buddypress template, on my thngs to do list.
I have also created a plugin for this purpose if you need more complex forms check out BuddyForms.
There is also a demo available
Feedback is welcome 😉
@svenl77 Thanks for the link. Its nice.
Does it work on Multisite? The form can deposit posts to individual blog? and not one central blog or blog 1? Any demo of that please?
Specific settings I am asking about:
WP 4.1.1, BP 2.2.1 – default installs
define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true );
define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
Registration Settings : Both sites and user accounts can be registered.
If it does work with the above settings has it solved this category problem?
Hi everyone thanks for the replies. Buddyblog did not work for what I wanted because I just want the member’s post to show up under their profile and not on the site’s blog, if that makes any sense.
no you can’t publish members post directly on their profile. WP use a blog for this.
Have you tested my snippet ?
I’m not really good with codes and snippets. I don’t understand how to add them to my site and I couldn’t figure it out using Google. I will ask one of my friends to help me install your snippet because I’m not understanding where to put it.
You add it to bp-custom. How is explained here.
Yep…that is not possible, believe me i have tried for a while.
Danbp’s is the only reasonable workaround.
@svenl77, Buddyforms looks interesting, but is priced out of my range for a non-professional developer.
@randomgirl, you can see on earlier post that buddyblog does what you want, exactly that, posts show up on profile page, but it sounds like you have little experience with both Buddypress and WordPress and Buddyblog requires multisite, not an easy task.