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Blank Page for all BuddyPress pages, except one template – Problem!

  • @etweber



    I’m using the Get Noticed Theme! which I love. I’ve just discovered buddypress and it looks awesome, but I’m struggling to get it to work. I only get blank pages for all the BuddyPress stuff. I’ve discovered that if I make the parent pages (Chapters, for me, rather than “Groups”) the “Media Kit” template in my theme, it’ll show the content of the BuddyPress stuff for that page. Here’s the one page I’ve gotten to show anything more than blank:


    BUT, when you click on “Create a Group,” it wants to open more pages, and they don’t work. I tried making them also the same “template” within the theme, but that doesn’t seem to work. Can you help me figure out what’s going on? What can I do? I’ve downloaded Widget Options, but haven’t had a chance to tinker with that. It seems like it’s more than just a widget issue, as the theme also has a search bar thing that’s relevant, which goes away when you pick the “Media Kit” template. Thoughts? Any help would be most appreciated!!


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  • @shanebp


    Some BP pages load as expected:

    Did you follow the documentation?

    Configure BuddyPress

    To determine if the issue is related to your theme, try switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2016 and see if the issues persist.



    Hi! I did follow the documentation. You’re right that those two pages work. Both of those pages use a certain template within the theme. That template uses a full-width page, without the sidebar and search bar that are on other pages. I’ve a few things to see what can remedy the matter:

    1) Yes, I switched to a different template to test, and yes, on the 2016 template, BP works, so I don’t need to reinstall BP or get it working on its own. That part is working. I didn’t realize I’d have to reset all of my widgets and stuff. Fortunately, they weren’t deleted… Got those set up again.

    2) I tried making all other relevant pages, creating pages for the stuff that BP uses, and setting each of those to use the template that works for Activity, Members, and Chapters. That didn’t work, though.

    3) I tried creating a Custom CSS entry that uses the .buddypress class, telling it to use full-width for #primary. That made the page use full-width, but it didn’t make the functionality of BP work… Like on this page:

    Please help! I’ve reached out to my theme’s creator – and there’s no changing to a different theme. We’re super committed and it works really well for everything else, and he’s had no experience using BuddyPress. I need help! This is just the plugin I’ve been looking for to help my people create groups that they need to manage.

    It seems to me that if we’re able to get some of the pages to work there’s GOT to be a way to get other relevant pages to use whatever that same setting is to work also. Any help would be hugely appreciated.


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