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Blog for users

  • @fridafric


    Is there a plug in with which members would be able to make their own blogs on their profile? I tried a BuddyBlog but it work only for admin, not for users. BuddyBlog created a button New post on the Profile Page under the button BLOG. But when users of social network click on it nothing happens. It does not open a text window like it does when admin click on it.

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  • @danbp



    you don’t need a plugin to do that. You have perhaps omited to activate blog creation. Go to your network admin (wp-admin/network/settings.php)

    and select one of these option:
    – Logged in users may register new sites.
    – Both sites and user accounts can be registered.

    Save and you’re done.
    On the Toolbar user menu (top right) you will see a new button called Sites whith a sub-menu Create a site.



    Hi danbp,
    Thank you very much for your prompt response. I’ve done all that you wrote me but new tab called Sites do not appear in Toolbar user menu. Maybe I need something to do in BuddyPress settings too?



    If your WordPress is correctly declared as multisite and is network activated, no, there is no other blog setting inside BuddyPress.

    In the network admin menu, you normally have two network items under Settings:
    network setting and network setup.

    What do you see in the first box of network setup ?



    I do not have multisite. I have site with 13 subdomains.

    This is a first box of network setup:

    define(‘MULTISITE’, true);
    define(‘SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL’, false);
    define(‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’);
    define(‘PATH_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘/’);
    define(‘SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);
    define(‘BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE’, 1);



    How can you have define(‘MULTISITE’, true); if you have NO multisite and 13 subdomains if subdomain install is set to false ?

    Please read attentively here:



    I agree that it is very strange what it is written. I really do have 13 subdomains and each of it is a different network. When I took the domain I just installed the WP without fixing it to be multisite. Is there any plug in for my problem? I do not want to make multisite I hardly made subdomain. I’m not a programmer but an ordinary designer.



    There is no plugin for that. If you have subdomains, you should setup your host so it can work with subdomains…
    If it is allowed by your host, you can setup a wildcard.
    And your network will be, with sub-domains like,
    and your users can then create their own blog inside that network.

    Read here



    Front-End Publishing is a great plugin for non-multisite blog creation for users, I use it on two sites and is perfect, highly recommended




    Thank you for your help. I’ve installed and launched Front-End Publishing plug in. From it I got two pages. One allows me to make a post, and the other is some kind of archives. The problem is that they do not publish posts. When I go to a page that I was described as an archive I have two tabs one is called Pending, and the other is colled Live, and in it it is written You don’t have any live articles. Featured image also does not work.




    I already have subdomains which are working on their individual networks. All of them work fine and the only problem is that they do not support blog for users. Do you think that’s my only way to do this only trough setup a wildcard. I’m afraid that I would do something wrong and ruin all the work because of that I looking for some other solution if there is one.



    i use a paid plugin buddyforms for front end user posts/data/anything. great plugin highly recommended.

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