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Booking Appointments for Buddypress users

  • @archaicguru


    I can’t believe how hard it is to find something to achieve our goals

    Put simply, I need each buddypress user to have their own calendar and another user can “book” them. Anything to tie into the events manager or at least a way to publicly display the calendar and just a simple “Book Me” button for other users to click

    I don’t need any fancy payment options

    There seem to be a multitude of options available for booking your own site/company, but to book a user (vendor/buddypress member/specific user role) seems near impossible and the very few plugins that claim to do it, don’t. Does anyone have any insight as to how this can be achieved?

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  • @shanebp


    Did you try this?

    What you need is not a simple plugin.
    You may need a commercial solution or to hire a developer to write custom code.



    Were you able to come up with a solution? I am looking for something similar.



    I would love to know that too. Let us know if the plugin from shanebp worked for you. Thank you.



    Thanks for posting, somehow I missed @frangdelsolar response so this reply is for both of your questions:

    Short & Simple.. ok yea – it worked, but was very limited and buggy

    We then hired 5 different programmers off upwork that swore they could make a custom calendar plugin better

    Then we looked into custom buddypress development costs. Wow – you could have built anything from scratch for those prices.

    The particular project I was the project manager but the funding ran out, but I sank a year of my life into it so I do still remember parts of that dilemma and the solutions that were in the works – if you wish to more – send me a msg

    I do have 20 years experience in the business and have a good idea of which plugins work well together and which ones waste your time. If you let me know what your site is about and how you need a calendar to be integrated, I’ll see if I can point you in the right direction



    @archaicguru I’m so sorry to hear your funding ran out. I’m a Project Controller and know how quickly budgets run out!

    I’d love to take you up on your kind offer of offering some advice. I’m self-funding a site where users need to be able to book one another for free. Is it best if I post here or send you a personal message?

    Thank you



    Hello everyone, I don’t know if I understood correctly, but by bookable users, you mean that they can create a profile like a mini CV (photo, video, sound) and that another user can book it? with a reservation payment?



    Yes, A BuddyPress user should be showcasing his availability so the other BuddyPress users can avail of his services in his specified time. Does anyone get a solution?



    Wow, I was thinking that I am the only one looking for this, Any UPDATES or Workaround? I am looking for a Booking plugin for my buddypress users too.



    I am also looking for a simple booking system where members can manage their own calendars. Has anyone come across something that works well?



    Hi friends,
    We need exactly the same thing:
    – calendar for every user profile
    – others can book (or simply reserve a previously created and available time slot)
    – the “booked” user may “accept” or “reject” the booking (RSVP)




    I can’t believe how much this is posted about and BP is still not on it. I am looking for the same thing. I’ve spent the last 4 months trying to find something that will work.



    This is an app on buddypress you can try :

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