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BP Album+ : my new plugin for pictures

  • francescolaffi


    Test here:

    Lot of details here:

    User can upload picture to their album, and they can add title, description, choose privacy option ( public, visible to members, visible to friends, private) and enable/disable comments for the pic. Users can edit and delete their pictures.

    Admin can set limit for picture upload total count, to enable/disable privacy options and limit for each of them, if description can be empty, pic per page in the default query.

    For each upload pic will be generated a thumb and a middle size pic, admin can set thumb size, middle size and if original file should be kept.

    Templating should be easy as the pics template class works in a way similar to the wp posts template.

    Tested only with WP 2.9 and BP 1.2, don’t know if it work with previous versions. This is an early release and should be used carefully.

    I created this plugin because i needed it for a work and bppicture-album plugin wasn’t enough flexible. As I started from scratch (well, from the bp1.2 skeleton component) this is not a mod of bppicture-album, is not compatible with it, so please don’t install this if you have bppicture-album and you cant migrate the db tables by yourselfs.

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  • arezki


    Good job. Liking it a lot too. Kudos to you.




    .picture-single h3 {
    text-align: center;

    .picture-middle {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin-bottom: 15px;

    .picture-middle img {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;

    .picture-outer-container {
    position: relative;

    .picture-inner-container {
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    margin: 0 auto;
    overflow: hidden;
    background: url(title_over.png) -10px -10px no-repeat;



    Though best way is to place img in <p>

    .picture-middle p img {


    margin:0 auto;





    As a admin I’m not able to delete other users photos from the front end. Not a huge deal at this point. But needed just in case of abuse.

    So far it’s working great. Love it!



    @modemlooper that will brake all the overlay magic…in release 0.1.3 (later today) css should be right for all browsers, if not please open a thread in forum with tag bp-album ( )

    @tosh my memory was wrong, I forgotten to put is_site_admin in some points, fixed in 0.1.3.



    oh cool. Thank you. What’s the default max width/height for photos btw?



    OMG!!! francescolaffi I was working on the *exact same* plugin and you beat me to release by a day lol!!

    Would you like to team up on this project and try and build something that will hopefully become the canonical photo plugin for BP?



    Just curious…I’ve just started using Brajesh’s BP Gallery plugin…which seems to be working fine…has anyone tried them both that could explain the pros and cons?

    Before my users get too attached, I want to make sure I shouldn’t switch.



    I just finished stripping-down and rewriting Brajesh’s plugin to get it working for BP1.2.

    Brajesh’s plugin was a good first step, but francescolaffi’s plugin has much better code quality, more features, and an active developer. I’m throwing my support behind francescolaffi’s plugin, and I’m ready to contribute a substantial amount of development time to it if he wants to work with me.



    Doesn’t brake for me. I changed the CSS and it works just fine. Though, I change the CSS for all plugins as they use their own styling and never really fits into a theme 100%






    I’m not sure why you were stripping down and rewriting bp-gallery from Brajesh to 1.2 because that’s all it’s been developed on. he’s about to release rc2 and then go stable but the release of bp 1.2.2 broke a few functions that he’s having to fix. You must be thinking about bb-picturealbum from Manoj Kumar that he quit development on. Those are two different developers. Please make sure that you have them correct.


    Those posts that you have that are referencing bbpicture are Manoj Kumar’s plugin from 1.03, NOT bp-gallery. bp-gallery was written for 1.2 and does work with 1.2’s default theme.


    bp-gallery is something that I’ve been testing since the alpha and the differences from what I see are that gallery supports all media, including images, video, and audio. There is also group support already included and privacy settings for them all as well. He is also going to release the shortcodes to include the images and albums in posts.

    For those who are still confused, and this is NOT an advertisement, just answering the questions about the differences and clarifying any misconceptions, the site for bp-gallery is at



    You’re right, sorry for the mistake.




    Thanks for the input.

    So far, i think BP Gallery works well. The only complaints I’ve heard have to do with the fact that you have to by a $30 membership to get it.

    At this point, it seems like BP Gallery has a lot more features and functions working properly. But, if the community will be working to support BP Album+, more than Brajesh, then maybe I should jump ship before it’s too late.

    This seems worth of its own discussion, so I started one:



    @Symm2112 You are correct. My bad …I was at the end of a 14 hour coding run when I replied.

    @gregfielding I am now e-mailing back and forth with @francescolaffi and we’re deciding how to move forward on the BP Album+ plugin’s development. To avoid splitting the community between multiple photo plugins, I have stopped development on *my own* photo plugin, and will not be releasing it.

    I am currently working on an admin menu for BP Album+. Should have a beta together in about 8 hours. When @francescolaffi wakes up he should be able to grab it and merge it into the code.

    He’s in Italy and I’m in Canada, so between us we’ve got 24 hour




    There have been some confusion between bp-album, bp-gallery and bppicture-album.

    As far as I know only bp-album and bp-gallery are compatible with bp 1.2 , if you wanna compare them there’s a topic about it, please write there:

    @tosh defaults are 600px middle, 150px thumb



    BP Album+ admin panel is finished and working!

    I will post a link to the BETA as soon as my DNS update to finishes propagating, and @francescolaffi will probably have the official release posted to the plugin repository within a few hours.




    The stable versions with the admin panel is in the repo!



    I upgrade and it went ok. But on the front end I get this above my header. And I’m not able to access the images any more.

    ‘Warning: Division by zero in /home/tosh/public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/bp-album/includes/bp-album-templatetags.php on line 79’



    I get netx error:

    when uploading picture

    Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant BP_ALBUM_MAX_PRIV2_PICTURES in C:\xampp\htdocs\baurweblog\wp-content\plugins\bp-album\includes\bp-album-screens.php on line 284

    I have setted Album Size Limits settings




    Warning: Division by zero in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-album/includes/bp-album-templatetags.php on line 79

    getting this error on last update and the pics inside album have dissapeared



    I am using Single WP installation with BP’s latest version. Came up with Privacy Option is selected then later on the privacy options displayed with (limit reached). I couldnt find anything to modify the upload limitation for each user on single wp which wpmu will be able to set for each user. Let me know about this!



    @baur that’s weird: searched in all files expecially in bp-album-screens, and that costants isn’t there any more, maybe your update was not successful , try re-installing it. If this doesn’t solve please report in the below link

    @others I am following the bugs here , someone already reported the division by zero so I’ll write there. Please report different bugs in diffent threads.



    hmm, when you guys switched the plugin over from using constants to database options, you should’ve changed all the references in your code from the constants to the new options. now it’s throwing errors all over the place…



    oh, but before you do anything i’ve had a look at the code and noticed that you’re using single options. Makes more sense to put all of the options in one array and save that.

    if you want to i can send you the files where I changed that. you’d still have to remove the constant references, though :)

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