1 Upload bp-member-filter.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2 Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3 Add a form to your members/index.php or some other file (See: http://pastebin.com/bw0suXwe )
4 Smile
Thanks @gaysurfers, that pastebin link is working !
Now, can’t still figure how this works…
Same here!
I have installed it, copied the form to members/index.php
All it did was create a submit button + “by name” next to search
Wasn’t it supposed to add filters with my x-profile fields to filter the search?
This is major for me, I gots to know.
Submitting the form doesn’t seem to actually filter the results. Anyone have this working or know what we’re doing wrong?
Trying to revive this forum because the answer to it is really important. As apcjohn, Submitting the form is not enough. There must be a function to generate the result based on the form submission that must be called. And I’m to much of a PHP n00b to figure out which one it is from reeding through the source-code.
I need help with this as well. I have another plugin that relied on the old member filter, and now both do not function. My website is really failing without them. 
@psyber Under what version of BuddyPress and BP Member Filters did you manage to get your site working? What code did you paste into members/index.php to get it working?
@chopo87 It was 1.2.1 and even then it was only that I had a custom plugin developed for my site that relied on the Member Filter Plugin. I have never seen the Member Filter Plugin in action and performing as it should.
@psyber Thanks for the info. Would you mind publishing your code? I would be really grateful if it is not to inconvenient. I don’t mean formally, just a link to an ASCII file or a .zip file on a file sharing site or something would be really cool.
It doesn’t work any more, and I don’t think I will be able to find the code since that was a few versions ago. Even then, the member filter was not being fully used. I am pretty pissed because I paid to have the plugin developed for my site, and it relied on the member filter which no longer works.
Why don’t you roll your version of buddy-press back to the one that supported the plugin? At least you get some functionality.