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BP-Nouveau Body Class Override Fix

  • Hi,

    When activating the new buddypress version 3.2.0 it overrides my website bodyclass with it’s own
    class=”bp-nouveau js”
    Which causes a lot of conflicts for me.

    When buddypress plugin is disabled the problem is solved and I get back my default bodyclass
    class=”post-template-default single single-post postid-1 single-format-standard”

    How can I solve this?

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  • Is there anyway to prevent buddypress from removing wp_classes? It’s preventing me from using my theme customizer

    Prashant Singh



    I have checked this with a default theme twenty seventeen and this is not the issue there. I am seeing ‘bp-nouveau js’ as well as other body classes ‘single single-post’ and so on.

    Please consult with your theme vendors, it’s possible that there is an issue at their end.


    I did, found the issue as it was a problem in the bp-custom file. Thanks

    Prashant Singh


    Welcome 🙂



    I have the same issue. Because BuddyBoss is adding the bp-nouveau class to the body as the first item, Elementor is using that as the site’s full-width-template class.

    I had a look in custom-bp file but there is nothing about classes there.

    I’ve been trying to remove the .bp-nouveau via the WP filter in the child theme’s function.php:

    add_filter('body_class', function (array $classes) {
        if (in_array('bp-nouveau', $classes)) {
          unset( $classes[array_search('bp-nouveau', $classes)] );
      return $classes;

    but that’s not working.

    I have also tried via jQuery in the WP footer to removeClass but that didn’t work either.

    1. Is there a way to remove the bp-nouveau class from the body tag on certain pages?
    2. Is there a way to move the position of the bp-nouveau class to the end of the body tag?

    Perhaps moving it to the end of the body tag would be the best solution in order to avoid any knock on effects?

    Any advice appreciated.


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