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BP Sections?

  • Jam


    Is it possible to create ‘sections?’ I want to have the complete BP website under each section of the website.

    More specifically, I want there to be Section A,B,C,D,,, etc. When a user registeres, there is a dropdown menu of each ‘section.’ One you register under that section, you always log in under that section; the section becomes transparent after that.

    Is that possible?

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  • @mercime


    That “section” could be a “group” component already in WordPress and joining groups is either voluntary for public groups or by invitation for private groups and each group can have a forum if the group admin so chooses. That’s basic behavior which can be changed via a plugin you can make to do so. You could check out BuddyPress Group component and other default components by logging in with the username and password you used here.



    Hmm. I think I should specify. If a user is chose Section A, then they only see specific groups and members of that same Section; they have no access to groups, members, or forums of other sections. Each one is independent. IS that possible? Or do I need a seperate installation of BP and WP for each Section?




    off hand, two ways to make that happen:
    a) You could make each group “hidden” and “by invitation” only. You could assign group admin to send email invites to the site and to the specific group. Since the group is hidden, it will not be listed in any groups directory, and you could always restrict showing list of member to Super Admin only with conditional tags.
    b) You would need a separate install of BP and WP for the special sections you want to have. At this time, BP can only be installed once even in a multisite installation. There’s been some talk about a plugin for BP multisite but none have been released to the public yet.




    However, I would like people that are in a section to be able to “sign up” for particular groups, thus each group must be visible to users under each section. Would this require multiple installations? Thanks!

    I have confidence that BP will work hard to make a multisite plugin/update =]



    *** I would like people that are in a section to be able to “sign up” for particular groups, thus each group must be visible to users under each section. Would this require multiple installations? ***
    Yes. Unfortunately, there’s no BP Multisite at this time.



    No problem! Is there any hint of that in the future?



    @PiManIII There have been many many hints since BP all began but no takers yet … at least no public release to date ;-)



    I’m doing something like this but I am going with making each section a seperate BP install. I don’t mind that each “section” (as its referred to here) does not feed into a main site activity feed nor can the “sections” interact using the standard bp components. I would like to get hold of a unified login component. That would be another route you could take also. I’ve been looking for something that will give all users of all sections universal access to all “sections” with whatever the login name and password they set up on whatever “section” they entered in from. Anything like that out there? I’d rather not have to always import users manually. Something automatic would be ideal.

    The core team would like to see “BP Multisite” functionality; in conjunction with the sort of thing that Boone talks about here, they would combine to be a very powerful feature.

    However I think it is fair to say that the best chance of seeing “BP Multisite” is for someone to scratch that itch; that is, someone who needs the functionality hires a developer (or themselves) who add it.

    Andrea Rennick


    Or the devs who have actually started tinkering to have some time to work on it. ;)



    @andrea_r I recall a thread about this some time ago and the **hint** guru **cough** :-)
    With the major changes between BP 1.2+ and BP 1.3 bleeding I see right now, could be some devs are waiting till after BP 1.3 stable to make “some time to work on it” :-)



    @nahummadrid, I really like that idea. So,

    If an exsisting user goes to, they see a simple login prompt: Username/Password.
    They enter their user/pass and they are automatically redirected to the ‘section’ (or installation subdomain) of the BP website. Each ‘section’ is independent, and no information is transfered between any ‘sections.’

    That’s what I want.

    …. This all sounds very exciting!



    Is that possible?



    @PiManIII i’ve not seen a universal login plugin or hack like this. I’m waiting on something myself where it’s like gravatar, one universal member login system for all my different bp sites, er what you are calling sections essentially. So anyone registering on any site, can go to another site and be able to login and not have to register again.





    @mercime, would this plugin still work in BP, as BP is not multisite capable?




    @PiManIII The plugin works with WordPress multisite, whether BP is installed or not.



    Unfortunately, as BP is not multisite, redirecting users to different ‘sections’ is useless until BP becomes multisite.

    Good plugin though.



    Do you think this might work?



    No, because no matter how many domains are mapped into your multisite or multinetwork (multiple multisites in one WP installation), you are still using only one installation and BuddyPress can still be only activated in once in said installation. Maybe after WP 3.1 and BP 1.3 roll out, there’ll be someone coming out with a BP multisite plugin.



    Hmmm… Thanks for the info.

    Would this work if I had a seperate BP installation for every network (running on WP multisite)?



    Can only install BP once in WP single site or WP multisite or WP multinetwork (multi-multisite) at this time. What’s not available to the public is BP multisite or as you put it “separate BP installs for every network’



    Clever with the words… “What’s not available to the public …”

    I’m looking forward to the new BP release!


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