It is something that I am looking at. I am not sure what is in the “user” feed for videos from phpmotion, but I am it already running and looking at that myself. Without a video RSS feed, it might be difficult!
The beta of phpmotion version 3 has a RSS feed but I don’t know a release date. I think “User feeds” are the phpmotion tags, but I am not sure.
phpmotion beta Version 3:
Do you release your plugin?
I’m wondering why do you want RSS feed from phpmotion maybe integrating it?Shouldn’t we find a solution for upload/hosting videos or use All-in-one plugin! hosts the videos and offers up the packages to edit and embed them? Is that correct? phpmotion is your own video server that you run and control on your own server. Some of us already run phpmotion and this thread is about adding that functionality into buddypress. If I am wrong and you can host the Kaltura software on your own server for user upload, then it might an alternative in this case
Kaltura offers only a package with traffic limit.
I own a server and I have no traffic limit so it is better for me to use phpmotion.
When phpmotion 3.0 is released, I will get something hacked up for it to work
I would imagine the other video plugins to work off will be pretty wicked by then. There is no sense doing anything now since the user RSS feeds don’t exist and looking at the plugins, there is no sense adding them as they are limited. I might even add some filters for people to embed videos into their wire or forum posts though ahead of this release. Time is not my friend lately though….
I like the idea of having “thumbnails” of uploaded videos in the wirepost. Facebook does it, and does it pretty well. How sizable is the viewer? Could we embed a viewer into the wire?
Also date for release? Weeks, days months?
@trend, making a filter for users to embed videos into wire is a good step ,are you working on it?
While phpmotion integrated would be nice, I’m almost afraid it’s vaporware lol.
I use v2 of their software and finally gave up waiting on v3.
A complete buddypress video system would be amazing, especially if it supported ‘flash media server, or wowza streaming servers’.