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BuddyBar for bbPress

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  • @russell-crosswy


    Thank you…

    The abs.php file returned a different path I wasn’t considering.

    When I put that path into bb-config.php I lose the integration between BuddyPress and bbPress.

    So, I’m thinking I’m doing something else wrong in the integration between WPMU, BP, and BB.

    I’ll dig in to check settings, any suggestions on where to start?



    Ok, using John’s deep integration method loses the forums functionality between BuddyPress and bbPress. Why would that happen?



    Using a URL in the include_once doesn’t work, period.

    Using a URL in the include_once does not give you deep integration.

    Deactivate the BuddyBar in the bbPress admin area.

    Remove all lines you put in bb-config.php.

    Let’s start again… fresh!

    First thing you want to do is deep integration between WPMU and bbPress, then you enable the plugin in bbPress.

    Put the following in bb-config.php:

    It should be something similar to this:

    if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) & !defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' )) {
    define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false );
    include_once( 'YOURABSPATH_HERE/wp-blog-header.php' );
    header( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" );
    header( "Status: 200 All rosy" );
    the rest of bb-config here...

    For YOURABSPATH_HERE… either use the path that John’s “abs.php” spits out or use


    Save bb-config.php.

    Head on over to your bbPress forums.

    Do you get any errors?

    If everything is good, go to your bbPress admin area and enable the Buddybar plugin.

    What happens?




    No, the deep integration lines shouldn’t be deleted as stated in the readme.txt.

    That needs to be changed… John? ;)





    won’t work for groups forums creation, posting, etc… Because it reincludes WordPress during a WordPress to bbPress XMLRPC attempt. If you don’t plan on using groups forums, that code is fine, but if you do, you’ll need to use my way.

    The read me says to delete that when you’re done … won’t doing that disable deep-integration?

    Oversight in the readme.txt. Just had that part out of order for some reason. It’s updated in the trunk and the repo will catch up soon. Yeah, don’t delete the deep integration part. :)




    I got mine to work with removing the call for the logo in bp-buddybar.php

    function bp_buddybar_for_bbpress() {
    echo '<div id="wp-admin-bar">';



    @krugazul, do me a favor and update to 1.0.3 of this plugin, and let me know if it works better for you. Right now on your site, it looks like it’s totally broken.



    I followed r-a-y’s advice and used the ABS path in my bb-config.php file.

    I can activate and use the BuddyBar in bbPress normally.


    I lose the forums function in BuddyPress groups, but if I go back to bb-config.php and use the URL for the include_once line I get the forums functionality back and BuddyBar stops working, i.e. it disappears from bbPress.

    I guess I don’t REALLY have deep integration working, but the forums functionality works as I would expect and right now that is what I am concerned about.

    I’m going to have to sit out and watch this play out and hopefully an easy to follow guide comes out to integrate the latest versions of WPMU, BP, and BB.

    My setup may not be “right” but it works as I want it so that’s all I can ask for right now.



    I followed r-a-y’s advice and used the ABS path in my bb-config.php file.

    Are you using his 1 line method, or my recommended method? His way will give you the problems you describe, my way will not.



    FYI, I’ve been using JJJ’s method since day one!



    JJJ’s method, it looks like /home/public_html/…

    But that way will get BuddyBar in bbPress to work and my forums integration from BuddyPress breaks.

    The only way to keep the forums integration in BuddyPress is to leave it as

    I just have no idea why that works…





    I lose the forums function in BuddyPress groups

    Remember you also need the XMLRPC call in your bb-config.php as well for group forums.

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    (goes right before ?> in bb-config.php)

    Do this again and make sure you have the XMLRPC line in bb-config.php



    Ok! I’m totally stuck and I have no idea why. I am trying to integrate wordpress mu 2.7.1 with the bbpress 1.01 and the most recent version of buddypress using deep integration.

    As soon as I add the deep integration code:

    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) & !defined( ‘XMLRPC_REQUEST’ )) {

    define( ‘WP_USE_THEMES’, false );


    // You will need to get the ABSOLUTE path to this file |

    // \|/

    include_once( ‘/home/admin/wpmu/wp-blog-header.php’ );

    header( “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” );

    header( “Status: 200 All rosy” );


    I am redirected to I can’t even install or activate the plugin. Somebody please help me here. i would really appreciate it!




    I haven’t tried deep integration with forums on a subdomain yet, so I can’t promise you a solution right away, but I would imagine it shouldn’t matter where your forums are, just as long as it’s including the file correctly.

    I’ll give this type of setup a try and see what I come up with.

    One question though… Are you using a wildcard subdomain setup, or do you simply wave wpmu setup in a subdomain?



    Thanks for your response JJJ!

    I am using the wildcard subdomain setup. I don’t know what you mean by waving wpmu setup in a sudomain??




    I noticed you had “wpmu.” as a subdomain, so I was curious if you just had a blog named “wpmu” or if all of WPMU was installed in that subdomain.



    I have wordpress mu installed at the subdomain . All blogs are then located at . The Forums are fully installed at and I was able to integrate users and cookies. I really would like to do deep integration so that I can have the buddybar and so that I make my own theme for the forums. If you can help me, it would be very appreciated.




    With the new 2.8.1 and BuddyBar, I get this on my bar:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method BP_Roles::_init() in /home/public_html/community/wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php on line 317

    I did apply this patch but no help in mudville. In fact, if I make THAT change, I get the error sitewide.



    You’ll actually need to patch two CORE files, to make this work now.

    wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php on line 317 and line 352

    Change _init to __constuct

    And then in wp-includes/capabilites.php on line 84 and 99

    Change _init to __constuct

    Ugh… I hope this is fixed soon.



    Interestingly… Now the forums give me this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method BP_Roles::__constuct() in /home/public_html/community/wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php on line 317

    ONLY if I’m logged in, though. If I’m logged out, it’s fine.



    Did you modify two files, in a total of 4 places?



    Hey John, you have any advice/help for me yet?



    @John James Jacoby – Yes, but we’re illiterate!

    __constuct() is not the same as __construct()

    Fixed that and it’s fine :)



    @Rohan Kapoor, sorry pal I do not yet, and I probably won’t have a chance to setup a similar installation until tomorrow. Hope you don’t mind waiting until then?

    @ipstenu, I really dislike core edits, so hopefully this makes it into 2.8.2. Glad you got it working though, I was starting to think I was crazy. :)





    I lose the forums function in BuddyPress groups

    Remember you also need the XMLRPC call in your bb-config.php as well for group forums.

    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    (goes right before ?> in bb-config.php)

    Do this again and make sure you have the XMLRPC line in bb-config.php

    I’ve had the line: $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true; is since the beginning.

    Should I just post my bb-config.php file to troubleshoot?

    Omitting of course the unique keys and such… :)

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