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Buddybar issues with wordpress 4.1

  • @vibral


    Dear Buddies

    I’m running (trying to) wordpress 4.1 with buddypress 2.1.1.
    My wordpress runs in multisite subdomain mode.

    I have read exhaustively, and the issue I’m having now seems to have been an issue of between 2 and 3 years ago – I haven’t seen posts from this year on this topic. Trying the old solutions have not solved my problem (outlined below):

    1. On the left hand side, the wp toolbar appears to be overwriting the buddybar – clicking login takes one to the wp-admin page rather than a buddypress type login
    2. The registration appears to be correct, but when one registers and logs in, the option to log in or register still appears in this bar
    3. On the right hand side, even without logging in, there is a dropdown menu which allows one to visit a random member or a random group
    4. I don’t think the items in the bar described above that is showing now are when I’m supposed to be seeing – in other words, I don’t think this is what buddy bar is supposed to be. I do get a buddybar in the wp-admin page which I think is more like what it is supposed to look like.

    To answer the usual questions, yes, I have enabled user registrations (well, in multisite mode, I just used the last option, which is for all users to register, and they can register any sites); I have also include the following lines in the wp-config.php file:

    define('BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR', false );

    My website is if you want to try it out.

    This has taken up a lot of time and I would sincerely appreciate any help in getting this sorted.

    Thanks in advance

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  • @danbp


    Tempera theme was recently updated and normally you haven’t to use the old buddybar.
    So the define is of no utility… (see ticket)

    BP use now the WordPress Toolbar.

    It looks also that you have 2 activity pages, 2 members page and 2 groups page. There should be only one. See if you have deleted pages, and clear the trash.
    Also set up the pretty permalinks (anything but default), or at least re-save that setting page.

    Finally, make a test with one of wp’s default theme, bring anything to work, before activating Tempera.

    I use another theme of the same author, and if like i suspect, there is the same theme customization tool in Tempera, you must be carefull with that theme settings.

    In BP settings, you have an option to show/hide the toolbar to logged out user. Deactivate it.

    And read the theme doc attentively ! 😉



    Thanks for replying @danbp

    I’ve acted on all your notes, but there are still some issues. First in terms of what I did:
    1. I did go ahead and upgrade the theme, but I also switched the theme to twenty-fourteen as I saw a buddypress video where this theme was in use and gave good results in terms of buddy press.
    2. I’ve removed the definition as per your ticket link
    3. I’ve refreshed my pages removing duplicates
    4. I’ve deactivated the ‘Show the Toolbar for logged out users’

    The issues I still have:
    1. The buddybar that I want is in my wp-admin, but not on my site. In fact there is an even better buddybar right here on this page (look up) which has the link to and “My Sites” which is needed for me since I’m running multisites. How can I get this bar on my site?
    2. Having followed your instructions, there’s no toolbar at all, which is not what I want; I do want users who aren’t logged in to be able to do so without my added links in the site itself to a log/reg page

    Please advise; thanks in advance



    I’m unable to reproduce the issue (wp 4.1/bp 2.1.1). Both theme – 2014 and Tempura – are working correctly and as expected.

    If you uncheck the Toolbar in BP settings, there is no toolbar on the page for logged out user. Actually there is one on your page!

    With 2014, the login/logout button in the left sidebar, by default
    With Tempura, you have to add the login widget (dashboard > appearence > widget) yourself.



    Apologies, I was trying out a few things so I had re-checked the toolbar for logged out user.
    I’ve unchecked it now.
    I can see the login/logout button on the left sidebar; please have a look and see if the site is as it should be.

    If this is how it’s supposed to be, I would still much rather have the kind of toolbar that I get in wp-admin, or on this site. Is that possible?

    Thanks in advance



    Looks ok for now…
    Check your page permalink slugs, to avoid errors in the future.
    For example, the url of the register page is hxxp://
    Should be hxxtp://

    Same thing for members and groups. Remove -3 !
    Permalink is just under the page title when on page editor

    Remind also to empty trash 😉



    Ok, trash emptied and slugs fixed.

    There are no improvements however – when I log in, the META section still shows that I can log in or register. I would expect log in and register to be replaced with log out and other membership options.

    Also I’ve noticed that my registration page is not hxxtp:// but rather
    hxxp:// Not sure if this is an issue.



    hxxp:// This is correct and not an issue.

    On the Toolbar (now that it is correctly showing), from left to right

    WP logo icon with some related wp site and stuff in sub-menu

    BuddyPress Admin menu (or network admin), and if multisite, access to the different other dashboards. As super-admin you will see all probably.

    Note when network is activated, you have by default 2 dashbords anyway. The mainsite or network dashboard and WP’s dashboard.

    Edit menu – depending your role on the site you access from here to new post, comments and so on.

    And on the right, the howdy menu aka usermenu. Where sit a login/logout menu and all the access links to your buddypress profile, messages, groups, etc

    So far, so good. But what do you want to achieve now ?



    There’s some progress now; I tested in IE and the bar looks great!

    However, it won’t show in Firefox or my (windows) phone. Do you know why this is?
    I suspected it was an out of date flash player, but I updated and still can’t see it.
    The strange thing is that I can see the bar in wp-admin (in firefox), but not from the main site.

    Also, in firefox, on the pages that I can access, i.e. the groups etc, when I open those pages, I don’t get the same look as I get when I open in IE. In firefox, these pages don’t let me add new groups etc.
    Also, when I log in with firefox, the login/register links are still there after login, whereas in IE after I login, the option becomes ‘logout’

    Clearly, with certain browsers, most of the buddypress functions are just blocked.

    Did you test my sit eon IE or on Firefox?



    Tested with IE and FF.
    Deactivate all plugins but BP and see if it change something.
    Do you use a custom script in bp-custom.php or some shortcode on one of your page ?
    Note that all BP components page must be empty – without any text or code.



    Ok, deactivated all plugins but BP.
    I’m not using any custom scripts/shortcodes.
    Yes, all the component pages are empty.

    Still no change. Does it show fine on your FF? In that case it must be an issue with my setup.
    It now actually works fine on my windows phone using IE – earlier I thnk there was an error I was making when doing the phone test.

    I’m almost willing to say it’s just an issue with my FF setup, but still, it’s a worry since I don’t know if any of my visitors would happen to have the same issues with their set up.



    You use now the old bp-default theme…. For test only, as it is not best practice with 2.1 😉



    Yes, I was just playing around – I don’t intend using it – I was actually looking for the theme that’s currently used on the site – this theme with the red bar on top – would you happen to know where I can find it? I like it since the buddybar isn’t right up top, so it’s more noticable.

    I’ve also been looking for a way to extract the menu that you get from the buddy bar so as to use it as a sidebar widget. I have used the “(Buddy Press) Log in”, but when you log in, it doesn’t show the other options that you get with buddy bar, i.e. activity, profile, …, settings with the nice submenus.

    I did try trawling the php code but I haven’t found it as yet. Is there an easy way to extend the Buddy Press login widget so that once you log in you get these other options as well?

    Apologies if this is now going into another subject area – should I repost the new question as a new topic?

    As to the original question, I think you solved it way back when you asked me to empty the pages trash and to rename the slugs. I still don’t know why my FF doesn’t work. I suspect that it is just not accpeting my log in, and that’s why I don’t get the bar. Also would explain why the login and register options don’t change. Perhaps the reason it doesn’t accept logins because I do all my wp admin through firefox? Anyway I’m prepared to live with it since it seems only the firefox on my local machine doesn’t get the bar.

    Many thanks for all your help



    Ok, you’re in an intense learning stage ! 😉 But i’m affraid i can’t help you to do this.

    – the theme used on this support is a custom work and doesn’t exist for public.
    – for other questions, yes, it is better to ask one question by topic.
    – googling around “wordpress toolbar tricks, customization” bring very helpfull result. But if php is not your cup of tea, i would recommend you to not try to modifiate it.

    Rome wasn’t made in one day.
    Reading this forum is a good starting point to learn how BP work’s.



    Yes, I spent quite a lot of time in the past coding in php/mysql, but never did anything in wordpress before. So I’m fine with digging around php code, and know what to look for if I can just get to the file which has the menu setup. I have done a little bit of editing; you can see on my site now if you log in, you get a few more things happening than usual for the login widget.

    I reposted this question here .

    Thanks again for the help on the main question!

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