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Buddypress 1.5 on multisite

  • dosch


    Hey! I am trying to get the all brand new BP1.5 to run on my fresh Multi-site installation. I have 5 blogs and one of them is meant to become a thriving community.

    But I can;t seem to get Buddypress to run on just this one site.
    I installed the plugin, did a network activation, but it doesn;t show up on in the plugin directory on the dashboard of that one site I want to have it running on.

    Any tips?

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  • takuya


    Boone Gorges


    BuddyPress is a “network only” plugin. That means that you can only “network activate” it. But, the way BP works, you generally only show BP content on a single one of your blogs – we call that the “root blog”. By default, it is blog number 1, the main blog in your network. For this to work, just activate a BP-compatible theme (like BuddyPress Default).

    If you want your community/BP content to be on a blog other than the main blog, you’ll have to define an alternative root blog. In wp-config.php:
    `define( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 6 );`
    where you replace ‘6’ with the id of your desired root blog.

    Brilliant! That worked!
    Thanx so much!

    Now I only have the problem that the grey Buddypress-bar is always showing. Even when I am on a dashboard of another site…

    @boonebgorges Im having a really weird issue with multisite and buddypress! I ve define a diferent root blog for buddypress install, and everything looks fine… but, of course there is a but!, on main site all my links goes to blank page, not the home page but all news, i ve tried to do everything like touching the htaccess, or change the permalinks even trying to eliminate the blog slug but has been imposible to make it works! any clues? Thanks!

    Boone Gorges


    @seluvega Make sure that you have activated a theme other than BuddyPress Default on the main site.



    @boonebgorges: Thanks: this all helps. My very related question: can I have “activity” and “members” and “groups” pages on multiple blogs? For example, can I have groups pages here:

    I want the same groups showing on all the pages (the ones in my core BuddyPress install). It’s just a matter of allowing my users to access the BuddyPress features within each site.

    Thanks again.



    You might what to look at something like this: to help you easily post that information in multiple areas.



    Thanks, mrjarbenne. That plugin looks promising. I’ll play with it and see if it works for me.

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