buddypress = Content Aggregator
Hi there
I’m wondering, if buddypress is also able to aggregate informations from other social networks like flickr, twitter, facebook, other blogs (wordpress, blogger …) delicious.com and so on.
There are such concepts ( e.g. noserub.com) that aggreagte (almost) everything from everywhere thorugh RSS or APIs.
what’s noserub.com and how does it relate with BP?
You’ll have to write a plugin for that or modify an existing one.
http://www.noserub.com is a contentaggregationtool … and i’d like to see similar functions on buddypress.
I read abut the Plugin LifeStream for WordPress … is ist compatible with WP MU ?
Bumping up this question again.
I need a tool, that makes it possible to do …
… Groups
… Friends
… Aggregation of delicious
… Aggregation of Twitter
… Aggregation of Google Reader
… Aggregation of external blogs
… Aggregation of other services (rss)
My question is now: Is it possible to aggreagte content from multiple sources and services through RSS?
Yeah.. Its possible.. BPDEV use to have a plugin but I think its broken on BP.1.1.2 — I messaged Nicola (the lead evil-genius behind it) and he says that it should be good to go on the release of BP1.2 (currently BP is on BP.1.1.3) — he’ll be working on it on Christmas!
i found something interresting: LifeStream is a WP-Plugin, but also works with WP MU and buddypress. Now I’m having a look how to integrate LifeStream-plugin into wire/activitystream (they seem to get connected in BP 1.2) … but i think i’ll need some help.
WOW..LifeStream-plugin works with BP in what way? can you screen pic it?
liaise with the LifeStream-plugin developer or Nicola help?
you can have a look at it at idotter.ch/wpmu i’m currently testing it and it only shows activity from one user … waht i’d liek to have would be activity from all registered users
Cool, liaise with life-stream developer twitter.com/wplifestream or Nicola :bp?
WP LIfeSteram author hasn’t got any time, Nicola does not response …
looking for people who can help.
I just installed BuddyPress Links and It would be interesting to see if it can be hacked together and modified so that it can be an aggregator
any thoughts dudes?
Please let me know if you got some success asap
Why not just hack lifestream for BP?
simplelife looks like an easy one to work on… ugh.. this sucks…
@PH (webguy),
Look into this one built on simplelife…
All the features provided with version 1.1 of Simplelife (the point of the fork) and I will also attempt to merge any new future changes as well
Support for as many and as obscure services as possible. I have already included stuff that no one else does like PMOG, Atheist Nexus, Cocomments, Getboo etc.
Longer history via utilizing google reader.
Comment tracking from everywhere. That is, each time you leave a comment in the blogosphere or in a forum, it will show in your lifestream (AFAIK, no other lifestreaming service does this)
Pie Charts.
Is there anyone who likes to hack LifeStream or Simplelife /Complexlife for BP 1.2?
A lot of people ask about making BuddyPress Links a feed aggregator, which is kind of confusing to me since there are so many feed aggregator plugins already out there. What are these other plugins missing?
As far as using it to aggregate activity from other social networks, I think that is not a good idea because links is a content aggregator, specifically of links and rich media, which is a totally different concept from activity. There is a big difference between sharing “stuff” and “actions.”
The other plugins arent designed for BuddyPress. Overall, I think having an life-activity aggregator is something desperately needed for buddypress.
I agree that conceptually there is a big difference between “stuff” and “actions”
just simply based on the constant request — it seems like a plugin is needed.
I feel that maybe the life-stream should hacked or this FYI: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/complexlife
because it a simple and powerful plugin,and different from the other feed aggregator…
Are there any plans for “tools” for BP Links?
1) A code snippet for my blogs/post so that I can add it to my template and add a post to my links.. very similar to those “share this” buttons that are ever so popular
2) A bookmarklet for my browser?
With out these two tools, it makes it very hard for my users to share.
I already have much of the code completed for remote submit and bookmarklet type tools, etc. However, I am probably going to have to release those tools in a pro version and charge for it because so far I have received zero financial support for the plugin despite over 1000 downloads.
@MrMaz, Can you screen shoot the plugin in action for I to see?
I willing to buy the pro version if you could add ustream.tv (aka youtube,but better ! ), twitpic ,twitgoo.com feeds .
@mrmaz Why not start up premium support by means of a forum? Or perhaps offer more advanced tutorials or docs for paying supporters. Quite a few people have found this to be a successful model, and it doesn’t shut everyone out – reducing overal interest.
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