Can this be marked as a sticky?
It is, but it doesn’t stick to the top of the aggregated “most recent post” list.
😆 it is stickied it just doesn’t actually stay at the top of the lists. it’s going to get very boring bumping it every five minutes Paul.
I will attempt to get an outline topic posted to the bpdevel post, hope others will too!.
OK. Guess that we need a way in BP to get stickies to stay at the top of the main listing of forum topics 
In the meantime, this thread should be added to the agenda. So, I’ll go to the other thread in the first post to get it on the agenda (if it isn’t already)
Just a reminder that the biweekly BP Dev Chat is tomorrow at 19:00 GMT — for all you Norteamericanos, that’s Wednesday, June 30 at 15:00 hours EDT (3:00 pm east coast time).
Please post your agenda items here. See the OT for information on how to join in the chat.
Bump to keep this near the top. Today is the dev chat.
I might be a few minutes late to the meeting, due to a pizza-related appointment.
Can I nominate a sort of broad topic? Feature scope for BP 1.3: has it been set definitively? xprofile changes, revised installation/dashboard, integration with WP pages – are there other big ones? Other than testing trunk and bug hunting, are there other specific ways that community members like myself can help with particular components for BP 1.3?
Related: the idea was once floated of organizing mini dev teams around different components. Still on the table?
@boonebgorges –
Last night I posed the exact same questions regarding BP 1.3 as you! See the agenda link in the OP.
I’ll place your other question on the agenda.
please add for topic
–notification when using @mention in wordpress side (blog, comments, etc.)
–wordpress type moderation in buddypress (blacklist, admin must approve, author previously approve, etc.)
–buddypress import/export backup
“–notification when using @mention in wordpress side (blog, comments, etc.)”
@intimez i’d imagine easy to set that up – just reuse the notification/atmention functions and hook it into wp. – the comments already hook add_filter( ‘pre_comment_content’, ‘bp_activity_at_name_filter’ );
@jeffsayre – Hooray for great minds thinking alike! Boo that I posted my suggestions on this thread instead of in the right place!
Sorry, only wish I can be dev like everyone here. I normally copy/cut paste in different areas. I’m willing to try if you point to right direction. When code is posted, it’s like foreign language. Does that mean it’s not topic for discussion?
The BuddyPress Dev Chat begins in five minutes. See the link in the OP to learn how to join in.
Looks like that’s where are the cool people will be!