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Buddypress Forum Layout

  • Morticia Addams


    Can anyone tell me how to change the spacing between topics on a Buddypress group forum layout? I’ve been playing around with it for ages now but can’t find the answer, or the css it uses (I don’t use the standard BP default theme). I would love to increase the vertical spacing between the posts so they aren’t all cramped up, increase the width of the column sizes (as you can see my name goes onto two lines) and a real bonus would be to add either divider lines or grey/white lines (as shown in this forum) between each topic post to make them easier to read and identify. My forum page is here.. TIA

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  • Morticia Addams



    Could someone maybe just tell me what php files I need to edit to add more space to the group forum table (Latest Poster, Topic etc)



    Hi Morticia. You don’t need to touch php files to add spacing between topics, it’s just changing styling – like adding padding/margin in style.css.

    Your link above redirects to home page and show no topics at all.

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